
Monday, October 31, 2016

Cartoon of the Day: Happy Halloween

Taken at Furry Fashion's Halloween Party. With the rash of creepy clown sightings across the United States, it was no surprise that Fortunas Sands would unleash something far more terrifying: a "clownasaur," capable of devouring elephants, tigers, and guys who throw empty peanut shells at the animals.

Just thought when you thought it was safe to go back to the circus.

By Bixyl Shuftan

Reader Submitted: Affordable Halloween Looks

Mylie Foxclaw submitted an article for those of you who are shopping on a budget. She has a couple of suggestions for low cost costumes. With a little creativity and a little mix and match, one can be a sexy witch, or Wednesday Addams.

Read Mylie's reader submission in Fashion.

Exploring Escapade's Haunt

In her search for Halloween haunts, Deaflefacy decided to try out "Escapade's Haunted Farm and Hospital." Once arriving there, rain coming down from the sky, she decided to check the house. She found quite a few unnerving moments while exploring around, notably rats and a television set in which she found she wasn't the only one doing the watching.

Read Deaflecacy's story in Places.

Halloween Bash at the Happy Vixen Tonight

If you've just come back to the house after taking the kids Trick or Treating, or maybe looking for something to do between answering the kids knocking on the door, or just simply looking for Halloween fun? Then join DJ Khyra, the "Dazzlecat DJ," tonight as she plays EDM and other tunes.

The party is scheduled to start 7PM, but may start sooner if the DJ shows up early. The music should go on to 11 SL time, but will probably go on longer. The best costume gets 500 Linden dollars.

Purrfection Estates (236, 219, 24)  

Schedule For Today's "Creepy Crawl"

In what's sure to be an event full of Halloween fun, Linden Lab's Xiola Linden, and a few other Lindens, are having their "Creepy Crawl," an inworld version of a bar crawl in which they and the residents with them will be hopping across ten different venues over a five hour period from 10 AM to 2:30 PM. Here's the schedule.

10:00 AM - "Shop Til You Drop" -  Tournant (116/125/40)

10:30 AM - Boudoir - Boudoir (123/215/22)

11:00 AM - Pumpkin Town - Forever Land (148/82/22)

11:30 AM - All Hallows at Moochie - Moochie (175/190/23)

12:00 Noon - Bay City Halloween Maze - North Channel (128/128/24)

12:30 PM - Club End of Days - End of Days (233/245/503)

1:00 PM - Vampyr Empire - Transylvania (34/224/31)

1:30 PM - KOR - MESHWORX III (110/87/3553)

2:00 PM - Ironwood Hills - Lost Boys (240/64/12)

2:30 PM - AEG Halloween Costume Party - Florida (146/128/14)

See you there, if you dare.

SL Video: "Thriller, by United for HIStory Group, Folded Wings Videos"

(Click here if the video fails to play)

From Keith Ashton on November 2014, a fourteen-minute Second Life video of Michael Jackson's "Thriller."

Can't get enough "Thriller?" Then check (here) and (here).

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Carolyn Avro's "Second Life's Top Haunted Places Tour and Hunt" Part Two

A few days ago, we gave a list of Halloween haunts, made by Carolyn Avro. As it turns out, she had a few more to mention. Once again, we're not promising every place is a scream, but you're bound to find some scary fun among them.

Read the list in Places.

Cartoon of the Day

Taken at the Happy Vixen. Looks like Becky Shamen has been "boning up" on new avatars.

By Bixyl Shuftan

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Cartoon of the Day: And That Too

Among those at Luskwood's anniversary party last week was Tiger Kitchensink. So with her, it's official, the party had everything.

By Bixyl Shuftan

Luskwood and Trotsdale's Anniversary Events

Last weekend on Saturday October 22 and Sunday October 23, the communities of Luskwook and Trotsdale held their anniversary celebrations, Luskwood their 13th, Trotsdale their fifth. Most of the events were in the older community of Luskwood. The Newser's Bixyl Shuftan, whom has a Luskwood red fox as his trademark main avatar, dropped in to join the fun.

Read the story in Events.

Ichie Kamachi at Making Strides Event

On October 21, singer Ichie Kamachi performed live at the at Making Strides event at the Chive Avent Area in the Terravia Island sim. She sung from 4 to 5 PM SL time.

How much was raised in her particular hour is unknown, but over 37,000 Lindens had been donated during the course of the event by the time she was done.

The high point of the Making Strides For Breast Cancer fundraising season is today, Saturday October 29, when The Walk takes place, starting at Noon SL time.

SL Video: "Hex Girl"

(Click here if you can't see the video)

From Nydia Tungsten on October 27, "I would like to thank Brandi, Aser, Alle, Mystic and Mato for joining me for this our first Halloween Video and as always we make no money from these video's we just do them for fun."

Press Release: Skin Burn 2016 Today

All too soon, the annual OctoBurn event themed “Da Vinci’s Workshop” has come to a close, but the builds stay up until Friday night. The playa will then be cleared for the decompression event we call SKIN BURN.

The SKIN BURN is an encore Burning of the Man which will take place twice on Saturday, the 29th of October, at 12 Noon and 6:00 PM SLT (12.00 and 18.00 SLT). Check-in closes 10 minutes before the Burns begin. Spectators are asked to detach scripts, scripted items, HUDs and attachments (which include items like hair, shoulder pet, mesh clothing and other items) from their avatars. We also assist in reducing Avatar Complexity to the lowest possible level.

Please Read the Following Information...
Why do we do this? By reducing the scripts and attached items we wear on our avatars and viewer screens, and reducing our avatar complexity, we help to make lag on the sims as low as possible, and the Burn will run better for everyone who comes to watch it.

It is important to know that, while we may encourage everyone to try to wear a classic avatar with just skin and system clothing, if an avatar is normally Tiny, petite, or a wearer of a mesh body, we do not require that he/she remove that form; we will assist the avatar to achieve the lowest possible avatar complexity and “script weight” for their avatar type by asking to remove all parts that are not essential for their avatar.

A petite avatar uses certain scripts to maintain the petite form, but the hair can be removed.
A Tiny fox with a scripted tail - perhaps the tail (if modifiable) can be replaced with one that is not scripted.
A wearer of a female mesh body may be asked to remove mesh clothing, but appliers can be worn.

The playa will be closed during the Burns; spectators will need to go through a check-in area off playa to de-script and de-lag, then get a special group tag to access the playa for the event.

BURN2 is the virtual extension of the Burning Man festival and community into the world of Second Life. It spreads Burning Culture and the Burning Man Ten Principles all year round.  We are one Burning Man regional, out of more than 100 worldwide Regional groups.

We encourage you to use the following labels and hashtags when you write about the event: Burn2, #burn2 . We will promote those tags to make it easier for people to find your content.

Want more information? Connect with us through our networks::
Facebook Page:
Facebook Group:
Regional Page:

BURN2 Contacts:
BURN2 Communications: iSkye Silverweb
BURNING MAN Regional Contact:

Friday, October 28, 2016

Halloween Town (2015)

The place that changes it's look every holiday, Townies, is once again showing it's spooky side with "Halloween Town." Like last year, Gemma went over to take a look. The place is much as it was then, offering the same "family-friendly" scares as last year. So she offers the same review this year.

Read Gemma's article in Places.

Details of Linden Lab's Creepy Crawl And Costume Contest

Last year on Halloween, Linden Lab organized an inworld venue crawl for the holiday, the "Creepy Crawl." The event was such a success, in terms of the numbers and the fun held by all, that at the beginning of the month they announced they were going to have a second one, asking for venues to step forward to be part of it. And yesterday on their blog, Xiola Linden announced the schedule for the event this upcoming Monday.

This Halloween - Monday, October 31st from 10:00am SLT until 3:00pm SLT - you are most cordially invited to join us inworld for the 2016 Second Life Creepy Crawl! Those who joined us for last year’s crawl know what it’s all about – but we’ve added a few twists this year, so everyone should read on for the details. The Second Life Creepy Crawl is a bit like a good old fashioned pub crawl, but no cab fare or designated driver is needed as we roam from spooky spot to spooky spot for music, dancing, and celebrating in our finest of Halloween costumes! 

Dressing up for the event will do more than just looking cool. It just might get you some cash. At every stop of the Creepy Crawl, someone with an especially good Halloween look will get a 5,000 Linden dollar prize. There's also a freebie gift waiting for you at each stop.

Costumes are strongly encouraged for this event - so come out and show off your best and you could win big! This year, at EVERY stop on our crawl, we will be giving away L$5,000 to one lucky winner whose costume catches our eye. That’s 10 stops, 10 winners, and a total of L$50,000 in prizes! Just keep in mind that this event is for General and Moderate audiences when perfecting your look. For full contest rules please visit the wiki. If you still need a costume or three - check out the Shop 'til You Drop event for your one stop Halloween party shopping.

Boudoir has graciously offered an exclusive treat that you can grab from one of the gift vendors at each stop – one gift per Resident.

The schedule for the event goes as follows:

10:00 AM - "Shop Til You Drop" -  Tournant (116/125/40)

10:30 AM - Boudoir - Boudoir (123/215/22)

11:00 AM - Pumpkin Town - Forever Land (148/82/22)

11:30 AM - All Hallows at Moochie - Moochie (175/190/23)

12:00 Noon - Bay City Halloween Maze - North Channel (128/128/24)

12:30 PM - Club End of Days - End of Days (233/245/503)

1:00 PM - Vampyr Empire - Transylvania (34/224/31)

1:30 PM - KOR - MESHWORX III (110/87/3553)

2:00 PM - Ironwood Hills - Lost Boys (240/64/12)

2:30 PM - AEG Halloween Costume Party - Florida (146/128/14)

Press Release: "A Grain of Sand - From Maui to the Moon in 3D"

Univ of Hawaii, Astronomy Presents: "A Grain of Sand: From Maui to the Moon in 3D"

By Gary Greenberg, PhD
Friday, Oct 28th at 9:30 PM PDT
Institute for Astronomy - U. Hawaii Astronomy Amphitheater: 

And on the web:

Sand in continually created throughout the Universe from the collisions of heavenly bodies and the explosions of stars. The moon is covered in sand, and outer space is filled with dust and sand from the actions of our dynamic Universe. We see these tiny outer-space travelers as falling stars when they enter our atmosphere at speeds that make the air around them glow bright white. On Earth, sand is produced more slowly, from the erosion of rock into tiny grains of mineral. Dr. Greenberg will take us on a visually stunning tour of sand. Although it is one of the most ubiquitous objects in nature, each grain of sand is unique. Greenberg will illustrate the beauty of these tiny objects as seen through his high definition 3D light microscope. Red/cyan 3D glasses will be provided to the audience. If you are viewing online, attempt to locate a pair of 3D glasses to appreciate the stereo images at the end of the presentation.

Chaminade University CUH Alliance (49, 205, 4002)

Press Release: Homes For Our Troops Benefit At Veterans Isle

Frets Nirvana and US Military Veterans Group announces the tenth 2016 benefit for Homes For Our Troops in Second Life!

Frets Nirvana, the premier guitar artist in the virtual world Second Life and the US Military Veterans Group announce a benefit on October 30, 2016 in Second Life for the Veterans Support Organization for Home For Our Troops . 

Frets Nirvana states:  “HFOT is a privately funded 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization building specially adapted, mortgage-free homes nationwide for the most severely injured Veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan. Most of these Veterans are multiple amputees, paraplegic, quadriplegic or suffered severe traumatic brain injury (TBI).  These homes restore some of the freedom and independence our Veterans sacrificed defending ours, and enable them to focus on their family, recovery, and rebuilding their lives. Since its inception in 2004, over 90 cents of every dollar spent by Homes for Our Troop has gone to directly support Veterans. ”

Home for Our Troops benefit concerts feature premier Second Life talent monthly at Veteran’s Isle.  The concert on October 30, 2016 is scheduled from 4-9 PM PST.  Featured artists will be DJ Waya Snowpaw, Chapman Zane, Anj Gustafson and Frets Nirvana .

ABOUT HOMES FOR OUR TROOPS  - HFOT builds homes as a departure point for Veterans to rebuild their lives, and once again become highly productive members of society. Despite their life-altering injuries, many Veterans have embarked on new careers, completed their college degrees, or started families. Empowered by the freedom a mortgage-free and specially adapted home brings, these Veterans can now focus on their recovery and return to their life’s work of serving others. Many have embraced their roles as motivational speakers, sharing their messages of persevering through tragedy with groups and classrooms around the country; others take to a national platform to promote awareness of veteran suicide, homelessness and PTSD. Their incredible stories are the driving force for the work for HFOT. To learn more about the Homes For Our Troops visit

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Halloween Party at Devon Dream This Monday

On Monday October 31st, Safra Nightly will be hosting a Halloween party at her Devon Sky Club. She will be DJing the tunes. The party is open to all, both her SL friends and family and guests to the sim, and there is a 1000 Linden prize for the best Halloween look. The fun starts at 1PM

Devon Dream (207/31/3992)

Linden Lab CEO Demonstrates Sansar to Wall Street Journal

(Click here if the video fails to play)

At the Wall Street Journal's WSJD Live 2016 global teleconference on technology, Linden Lab CEO Ebbe Altberg (known inworld as Ebbe Linden), demonstrated it's upcoming virtual world Sansar. In a video segment about a minute and a half long, Altberg donned a VR helmet and controllers and with a wide screen showing a living room somewhere in Sansar, he moved things around in front of WSJ reporters Jeoffrey Prowler and Joanna Stern. He did explain the content was made by other users, this particular content bought by the Lab from one particular user, going on to say Second Life had a "half a billion dollar GDP." Of Sansar, he stated that they had invited "a few hundred users" to take part in their "creative preview," with plans to keep adding more, with the full opening sometime in the first quarter of 2017.

There was also a tweeted video by Benjamin Rohe, who was among those there, showing about a half minute of footage of Sansar avatars.

Both Inara Pey and Hamlet Au, who also wrote about the video with Ebbe Altberg (Inara about the video with the avatars), felt not much new was revealed by the videos, but they did raise some questions, such as when donning the VR helmet can the view be adjusted to see one's own avatar, and considering "less than a million people" own a VR headset why was Ebbe Linden using one to demonstrate Sansar? Inara felt the next set of Lab Chat would be "interesting."

Sources: Wall Street Journal, Modem World, New World Notes

Bixyl Shuftan

Press Release: Sign Up For The Making Strides Walk

It’s time to break out those walking shoes and join us as we Make Strides during the 2016 Strides Walk!
This year, the walk will be 10 am – 6 pm slt Saturday, October 29

Please register here:

Everyone is welcome!  One lap or as many as you can, Sign up! Help us take Strides Against Breast Cancer in SL!

We would like the walkers to reach out to their friends in SL and if you like real life to get sponsors for your walk.   The sponsors would agree that for every lap you walk they will pay a certain amount  to you as a donation. An example of how to request sponsorships will be given to each registered walker.

The more sponsors you have the more you can raise for MSABC!! Special awards will be given to top fundraisers.

After the walk we will send you a notecard with all your sponsors and how much they sponsored you for and what they owe.  You can set up a kiosk at your home and tp each to pay or you can go to them and rezz a kiosk for them to pay.   For your personal protection we ask that you post besides each of their names their payment to the kiosk from your transaction history.   Once you have collected all your funds we ask you return a copy of your card to Leala Spire or Sandie Loxingly by Nov. 4th.

Awards will then be given out at Wrap up on Nov. 5th.

If you have any questions, please contact Leala or Sandie.

About Making Strides Against Breast Cancer:
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer or MSABC is the largest network of breast cancer awareness events in the nation, uniting more than 300 communities to finish the fight. Every breast cancer walk and event is an incredible and inspiring opportunity to honor those who have battled breast cancer, raise awareness about what we can do to reduce our breast cancer risk, and race money to help the American Cancer Society fight the disease with research, information, services, and access to mammograms for women who need them.

About The American Cancer Society:
For more than 100 years, the American Cancer Society (ACS) has worked relentlessly to save lives and create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. Together with millions of our supporters worldwide, we help people stay well, help people get well, find cures, and fight back against cancer.

For more information please visit the sites below:

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Carolyn Avro's "Second Life's Top Haunted Places Tour and Hunt" Part One

There's a lot of Halloween haunts across Second Life. While we've been checking some, there's just too many to write about. So to give you a chance to see some we didn't have the time to stop by, here's a list of haunts made by a Carolyn Avro, starting with her own. While not every single place is a scare, you'll find plenty of frights on the list.

See the list of haunts in Places.

Cartoon of the Day

Taken at Luskwood

By Bixyl Shuftan

ZZ’s Madhouse

Grease Coakes recently stopped by ZZ Studios to check out what's become a yearly tradition there: their "Madhouse." This year they're offering a choice for visitors, both a "tame" path, and for brave (or foolish) a "Gory" path. Grease took a try at both, and had a few words with one of the ZZ staff about the haunt.

Read Grease's article in Places.

The Halloween "Shop Til You Drop"

From a few days ago until Halloween, Linden Lab is hosting a shopping event, their Halloween "Shop Til You Drop." "With the Creepy Crawl less than two weeks away," they stated on their blog, " it’s time to get serious about Halloween. We’ve been brewing up a wicked treat that’s easy on the eyes and on your Linden wallet. Starting today through October 31st - we’re hosting a shopping event that is sure to liven any dead man’s party! With frights and delights from some of Second Life’s best designers at deals that seem simply insane - this party central for all things Halloween - is your one stop shop ( ‘til you drop!) Costumes, accessories, decor, and much more await you and your friends in this mysterious haunted village. I dare you to venture the cobblestone paths and see what our vendors have in store for you."

Becky Shamen decided to check this event for herself, donning a "Thing" avatar and heading over. So was it spook-tacular, or nothing to be scared about?

Read Becky's article in Fashion.

Screenshots From Insilico

Dropping by Insilico to check the place out before it disappears soon, I ran into a Diego Guerrier (diegoncius), whom had been doing the same, taking a LOT of screenshots. You can check them out at his Flickr account (here).

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Furry Fashion Clubs

It's Halloween week, with some spook-tacular events in the Sunweaver and Angel clubs, and the Furry Fashion Lounge.

Club Cutlass: "Best in K," 70s Night, Halloween

Happy Vixen: Scaleys, Monsters, Undies, Night Creatures, Halloween

Gathering Oak: TBA

Furry Fashion: Dance Macabre, Movies, Goth, Undead vs Survivors, Cute vs Creepy, Ghosts and Ghouls, Werewolves vs Vampires, Halloween Special (Monsters, Fantasy)

Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'.

Edited 12PM SL time

Club Cutlass Gets a Touch-Up

 For the first time since it's christening in March 2015, the current Club Cutlass, also known as Cutlass VI, has gotten some changes. Last week, Cynthia Farshore and Shockwave Yarreach made some adjustments on the ship.

While the basic design is still the same, the ship has been widened some, and the hull smoothed a bit. The widening is most noticeable on the dance deck, which now has some side areas with a few couches for people who would rather sit than dance. The side passageways to and back from the quarters have also been widened, to the relief of dragon DJ Geerkil whom occasionally performs at Cutlass, and more recently the Happy Vixen. The deck's appearance is also different, resembling varnished wood. One more difference was the altitude of the ship, raised to about 750 meters over the ground.

Underneath the ship, one can find the boilers and driveshafts. There's also a mad doctor's lab, a brig (rumor has it used when Rita Mariner thinks Gil has been naughty), and a bomb rack with bay doors.

Two particular changes were actually made weeks ago, the addition of a couple mascots. Next to the DJ booth is a parrot that moves around a little, and once in a while flies around. Between the booth and the left dancepole is a small hollow log where a weasel inside occasionally pokes his head out from one of the holes. The weasel has been named "Captain Cutlass." So far no name yet for the parrot.

Saturday October 22 was the first party after the last of the changes made.  Not everyone was completely happy with the changes. One local expressed disappointment that she could no longer see the club from her window. But most were happy with them, especially Rita Mariner the Sunweaver chieftess.

One change isn't about the ship, but the contest rules. The rule about contest winners having to sit the next one out has been temporarily lifted, possibly because of a number of ties in recent events.

The new landmark is now at Sunweaver Bay (114/117/757). Regular events are on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from 6-8PM, though some people drop in early and hand around after the contests. People also gather occasionally between events. Jenni Greenfield is in charge of club events.

Bixyl Shuftan

Monday, October 24, 2016

Burn2 in Second Life

The Burn2 festival is over. But there are still stories to tell. Today we have one from Grease Coakes. Grease didn't just observe the event, but took part as a DJ, and was asked to help out with one of the ceremonies. And he was on hand to see one of the final events: the "Burning of The Man."

Read Grease's story in Events.

Vivi's Haunted Hill

Deaflegacy has been on the lookout for some Halloween Haunts. After a few that didn't seem what they were scared up to be, she came across Vivi's Haunted Hill in Smokey Valley. She found the place not just spooky, but terrifying. In writing about the location, she left some details unspoken so the surprise wouldn't be ruined, but did give some hints of what perils lay ahead.

Read Deaflegacy's story in Places.

Furry Fashion Meets Rocky Horror

The horror. The funky horror. The Rocky Horror.

On Saturday night, October 22, the Furry Fashion Lounge held their Rocky Horror Picture Show event. This wasn't a showing of the cult movie noted for fans who make the movie into a social event, dressing up and acting out at certain scenes, but rather playing the music in the movie, in addition to a few others that seemed appropriate, and those attending encouraged to dress up in the spirit of the movie. While someone asked, "How does a G/PG club do a very un-PG movie for an event?" Everyone was assured as long as they kept their privates covered, they were fine.

And who was DJing? The wild and crazy ScratchMusikatt who dressed the part of Frank N. Frutter, complete with codpiece and fishnet stockings. When yours truly suggested Scratch couldn't live down any pictures published, he remarked, "Hehehe! I've played Frank in an LIVE presentation of RHPS my fine foxy friend. I have NO shame (grin)." One of the people there commented, "You are awesome! There's no shame to have."

The Furry Fashion Lounge has events every day of the week except Mondays, located at Furry (159, 200, 113).

Reader Submitted:

 Will Burns (Aeonix Aeon) recently sent us a couple pictures. One was of him in an avatar inspired by "The Nightmare Before Christmas" at Halloween Town.

Will didn't say exactly where this picture was taken. But it looks like he was wondering "Who you gonna call?"

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Cartoon of the Day: Burn2

Taken at Burn2 just after the "Burning of the Man." Pygar Bu and Marianne McCann of Bay City were among those taking part. Did Pygar really walk into the fire, or perhaps he decided to try a very painful food.

By Bixyl Shuftan

Temple Burn, Day 2 of the LW13B

 Saturday October 22 was quite a day, with the Burning of the Man at Burn2, and the Luskwood and Trotsdale communities celebrating their anniversaries, their 13th and 5th respectively. But this isn't the end of the fun in these places. The fun continues today as Burn2 holds their Temple Burn and Luskwood holds a couple more events for their anniversary or LW13B.

The Temple Burn will take place twice, at 12 Noon and 6PM respectively, taking place in the southeast corner of the Black Rock sim. At Luskwood, from 2-3:30PM, Alazarin Mondrian will be doing a live music performance at the platform that continues to be called the LW10B build at Perry (126/211/3351)  From 6PM to 7PM, Frogg Marlowe will be performing at the Perry Amphitheatre at Perry (24/212/25). It's possible there may be some last minute additions, so keep an eye on Luskwood's news page.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Press Release: Da Vinci’s Workshop Styling Show at BURN 2

Date: October 22, 2016

Time:  2pm to 3pm slt


The Edge will be holding its 'Da Vinci's Workshop' Styling show and Live Art performance at the prestigious BURN2 Event on the 22nd October at 2pm SLT. 

BURN2, which runs this year from the 15th - 23rd October is a one of the biggest annual Art Events in SL. It is officially linked to the real life Burning Man event, so this is a truly amazing opportunity to showcase Fashion Art in SL.

Stylists and Models from Kultivate's The Edge were given the brief to come up with creative stylings and runway presentations inspired by BURN2's theme this year 'Da Vinci's Workshop' Presented on an unusual Art Build runway, this show will be a truly creative and very entertaining event.  Presented in a runway show and told story format, on a Renaissance Glockenspiel inspired art build, it will showcase Styling as a form of creative expression through the Modern Art medium of Live Art.  Gabrielle Riel of Radio Riel will be providing the music for the event.

About The Edge:
The Edge is the Fashion division of Kultivate Magazine. The Edge's mission is to explore the true edge where Fashion meets Art, though its Edge section of Kultivate Magazine, through the Edge Gallery which promotes awareness of and celebrates Fashion Art in SL, through education and awareness of creativity in Fashion and Styling, and now also through creative Fashion Art Events.

For More Information:

SL Video: "Chemical Rush"

(Click here if the video fails to play)

From Nydia Tungsten on Oct 20, "This time we are using Brian McFadden's "Chemical Rush "
we're at the IYC in SL and I would like to thank Brandi and Jian ( Both of whom have had a HUGE impact on my life in SL) for Dancing with me, and as always, we make no money off of these, we do them for the joy of doing them and have fun doing it, with the hopes you enjoy watching, if you like it, give us a thumb's up!"

Friday, October 21, 2016

Cafe Wellstone, The Twin Political Campaign Buildings, And The Trump Pub

With just a short time before the US Presidential Election, Bixyl Shuftan does a look at four political-themed locations not mentioned before this season. One was a location from previous elections that had moved and only now was the Newser made aware of where it is now: Cafe Wellstone. Besides that, there were also two political buildings standing side by side appearing to each represent one of the candidates. And there was also a pub for Trump supporters.

Read more in Extra.

Addition: Originally, the link led to the wrong section, it was later corrected.

Announcement: "Scare Me Silly" by Team Diabetes

It's time to get scared silly at the Scare Me Silly event, which supports Team Diabetes of Second Life, an official and authorized team of the American Diabetes Association! This event will feature shopping, a pumpkin hunt, live performances, tribute bands, tricks and treats!

For more information, visit

Water Haven (146/138/22)

Press Release: Sign Up For The 2016 Making Strides Walk


It’s time to break out those walking shoes and join us as we Make Strides during the 2016 Strides Walk!
This year, the walk will be 10 am – 6 pm slt Saturday, October 29

Please register here:

Everyone is welcome!  One lap or as many as you can, Sign up! Help us take Strides Against Breast Cancer in SL!

We would like the walkers to reach out to their friends in SL and if you like real life to get sponsors for your walk.   The sponsors would agree that for every lap you walk they will pay a certain amount  to you as a donation. An example of how to request sponsorships will be given to each registered walker.

The more sponsors you have the more you can raise for MSABC!! Special awards will be given to top fundraisers.

After the walk we will send you a notecard with all your sponsors and how much they sponsored you for and what they owe.  You can set up a kiosk at your home and tp each to pay or you can go to them and rezz a kiosk for them to pay.   For your personal protection we ask that you post besides each of their names their payment to the kiosk from your transaction history.   Once you have collected all your funds we ask you return a copy of your card to Leala Spire or Sandie Loxingly by Nov. 4th.

Awards will then be given out at Wrap up on Nov. 5th.

If you have any questions, please contact Leala or Sandie.

About Making Strides Against Breast Cancer:
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer or MSABC is the largest network of breast cancer awareness events in the nation, uniting more than 300 communities to finish the fight. Every breast cancer walk and event is an incredible and inspiring opportunity to honor those who have battled breast cancer, raise awareness about what we can do to reduce our breast cancer risk, and race money to help the American Cancer Society fight the disease with research, information, services, and access to mammograms for women who need them.

About The American Cancer Society:
For more than 100 years, the American Cancer Society (ACS) has worked relentlessly to save lives and create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. Together with millions of our supporters worldwide, we help people stay well, help people get well, find cures, and fight back against cancer.

For more information please visit the sites below:

Thursday, October 20, 2016

"Fade It To Black," Insilico Announces It's Sims Will Soon Close

For the second time this year, the Insilico cyberpunk region and roleplay community is facing the end. But this time, there may be no reprieve.

Insilico is not new, but has been around for over eight years. Last year, Second Life Newser did a review of the roleplay and area. But in March of this year, it's controversial owner Skills Hak was banned by Second Life by Linden Lab, and the sims offlined. Thanks to negotiations behind the scenes, the sims were transferred to administrator Abeus Madruga and had a new lease on virtual life.

Unfortunately, the damage was done, and the area which had been able to cover it's costs before began bleeding red ink, Abeus stating in the announcement, "a combination of losses that have slowly eroded away: Malls are drying up, Skills’ MP sales disappearing, fewer long term residential rentals, etc." While people in the roleplay were able to cover the deficits out of their pockets for a while, this month it was finally too great.

So, we had to make a decision. Either make a drastic reduction to just two sims (a full region and a homestead), or close InSilico as a whole while we are still in a position to do so on our own terms. After a lot of discussion and soul searching with the current staff and some players (and a lot of antacids), we’ve opted for the latter…to go out whole. 

This is a very hard choice for us, and not one that we’ve come to lightly. Even though it might be possible to survive as just two sims, the technical aspects of that were daunting. ... we just weren’t entirely confident ourselves that we could make it work in such a short amount of time. We also didn’t want to have to keep turning to the community for donations to keep us afloat during that process…but certainly the one thing we didn’t want was to go through all of this, and then find ourselves back in this same position 2, 3, 4 months down the line. We don't want to wither away, slowly or not.

Perhaps it’s just a sign of the times, the state of things in general, or our age and reputation that have brought us to this point. Maybe we should have dropped a couple regions from the start…Either, any, or…it doesn’t really matter now. We have chosen to come to a close with InSilico as it is now, intact and committed to our memories in the same way. It’s a sacrifice, but not one of compromise.

As I said in my previous (albeit premature) Goodbye/Love letter to InSilico during the lockout…We’ve had some good times, even some great times. 9 years’ worth of stories that will continue to transcend the sims on which they were told…I couldn’t ask for anything more than that as a legacy.

We still have the sims until the end of their respective tiers. Central and South will be dropped on the 28th/1st, but East and South East will remain until November 17th …after which they too will go their separate ways. The Ning will hang on for a while longer after that, but for how long I cannot say as we don’t have access to the creator account. In the meantime, continue RPing and taking in the sites. Enjoy it while you can. Take pictures, tell war stories, have a party. ICly the city isn’t going anywhere, even if the sims are. We aren’t blowing it up or tanking it…we’re just going to fade to black so it can continue to exist in your imaginations and stories.

There were a number of comments following the post, among them, "it was always nice knowing Insilco kept on. It’s been real, but even the best parties end…or get broken up by the police…or burn down when Mike accidentally sets the curtains on fire." "I dare say it was never perfect, and it had its bitter moments; but my time here won't ever be forgotten. I have memories here that I am truly truly fond of and are the prime reason cyberpunk has blossomed to become my favourite genre. For my first and most cherished experience with role-play and story-telling, for helping me discover cyberpunk, and for the friendship when perhaps I needed it the most, ..."  "The city will always represent something beautiful, like a distant memory that is not easy to part with. I've met a lot of amazing people here, as Cora stated as before me, and we built a very nice community that kept going for a while. It was my first SL RP and it helped me see a great many things. My experience here is unforgettable, unique in a way, every angle I was involved with was truly an inspiration, it helped me go deeper into my own development and I know it helped others to do the same. I'll miss it, for that memory it is, for that one time years ago that made me smile... And even to this day, continues to do so. ... Thank you for the memories."

And so, another noted region and the home of a equally noted roleplay, is facing the end.

Hat Tip: Hamlet Au 

Bixyl Shuftan

Announcement: "Monster Mash" at Creations For Parkinsons

Ravinia Festival Park in Creation for Parkinson's will be hosting an event, their "Monster Mash." Taking place from 6 to 8PM, the first hour will have music by DJ Laz. The second hour will have a live music performance from "The Pink Vampire."

Creations Park (35, 151, 28)

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Scenes from Burn2

Gemma Cleanslate has been going over the grounds of the Burn2 art and music festival. This year's theme is "DaVinci's Workshop," and a number of the builds there reflect the theme from the huge bust of the historic figure to some of his designs brought to virtual life. She looked around, taking a number of pictures.

See the pictures in Events.

SL Poetry: "Incoming Light" And "Real Life Is Calling Me"

A few of the Second Life Newser staff have decided to take their try at poetry. Becky Shamen was first, and editor Bixyl Shuftan decided to add his own little ditty along with hers.

Read the poems in Extra.

Luskwood's Thirteenth Anniversary Event on October 22

One of Second Life's oldest communities will soon be celebrating it's anniversary: number thirteen. Scheduled for Saturday October 22, the event will be combined along with the fifth anniversary celebrations of it's sister community Trotsdale. As it's near the end of October, the event will take on something of a Halloween theme. So far, Keeba Tammas and the "Tiny Maniacs" and Shannon O'herlihy have signed up to be among the performers.

Stay tuned for more information on the Luskwood blog.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Furry Fashion Clubs

It's a new week of events at the Sunweaver and Furry Fashion Clubs

Happy Vixen: Fantasy, Aliens, Best in Red, Zombies and Hunters, Swimsuits

Club Cutlass: Best in I and J, Get Silly, Beach Party

The Gathering Oak: TBA

Furry Fashion: Rise of the Machines, Metal, Heroes and Villains, Pokemon, Cartoons, Rocky Horror, Aviation, Wasteland

Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'.

Updated 11PM

"AX" Avatar Skybox Gone

One brand of furry avatar that was popular in the past was AnthroXtacy, often called "AX" for short. Designed and made by a team led by Tinintri Mistral, the line of avatars gained a large following, and AX had a two-sim area with their own shopping mall and a club, where DJs such as Grease Coakes performed. But in October 2013, the team shut down and the store and club closed, much to the sadness of fans. In their final days, the store had a couple packages with numerous avatars that one could pick up for free.

As it turned out, the two packages would be placed in one more location. High above the Northstar Polaris sim was a skybox where there were several AX avatar vendors that offered "fatpacks" or several colors of an avatar, for the old price of a single one. But there were also the two packages of free avatars. Among them were the AnthroXtacy Fox and the Shark.

Sadly, this location is no longer available. When yours truly tried going to the skybox yesterday, I found myself at a certain location in the ground. No matter where I would try teleporting to the sim at, I would always end up at the spot. Flying to the location, the skybox was gone.

As a precaution, I checked the mall at the Northstar sim, or rather what was left of it. In the past, the Northstar Mall was a huge two-story store that had a number of avatars and accessories, that stretched across two sims. But in more recent times, less than a third of the store remains, the part in the Northstar sim. The packages were not in their either.

While it's possible there may be another place where the AX free avatar packages are, if so the Newser does not know about it. As for AX Avatars, some remain for sale on Second Life Marketplace. This appears to be all that's left of the AnthroXtacy line.

Bixyl Shuftan

Monday, October 17, 2016

Science Friday

Becky Shamen's journeys across Second Life recently took her to the Sci-Lands, and the meeting place every for a group of listeners for the weekly radio show "Science Friday." Science Friday has a history in Second Life, some years ago the host having an avatar here and taking questions from the inworld audience. Sadly this came to an end, but fans of the show continue to meet up every Friday to listen and discuss the topics.

Read Becky's story in Extra.