
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Weekend Land Sale

Second Life is having a special "Land Sale" this weekend. If you get some virtual land from Linden Lab, they'll skip the set-up fee.

We’re offering a limited-time deal on some of our most popular items — Private Islands and Homesteads. For the first time, new land or additional land is available without the usual set-up fee. From October 21 to 23, you can take advantage of this special and become a Landowner if you’re not already — or maybe bump up the size of your land.

Tateru Nino commented her readers asked if Linden Labs was starting to notice the increasing number of private sims slipping away and was getting "desperate." Her opinion, "my take is that the Lab has all of those expensive servers kicking around and that’s just a waste ... I’d be very keen to get all of those servers back into service rather than just sitting around."

Details are on , and the deadline is Midnight SL time on Octomber 23rd.

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