
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Crap Mariner's SL9B Build

And the Grim Reaper is back yet again with another SL9B video, "So, the sims aren't open yet? Doesn't mean you can't start building NOW!"

Of Crap Mariner's build featured here, he calls it "a storytelling, writing, and spoken word build for SL9B. It's going to feature 100 word stories from various authors who have participated in my 100 word stories weekly challenges. If you've written any for the challenge that you're particularly proud of, let me know and I'll be glad to add them to the main viewer screen slideshow-thingy. Scattered around the build, I'd like to have notecard and landmark givers for venues and wavey-dashy writing challenges that feature spoken word and writing in SL.

"Descriptions, landmarks, SLURLs, posters... if you've got 'em, I want to add them to the piles and stacks of books to show Second Life that the writing and performance community is alive, thriving, and would love for creative people to come with us on our amazing journeys... even sharing some of their own!"

More pictures of Crap Mariner's build can be seen at his Flicker: .

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