
Thursday, May 24, 2012

SL Machinima: "SL9B - The Angel Of Death "

"A quick hello from The Angel Of Death regarding the 9th birthday of Second Life," by Crap Mariner. In recent days, six sims were added by an anonymous donor to the ten donated by the Dream Seeker Estates. And then came four more, for a total of twenty, "We have 7 full sims for your exhibits as well as 2 part sims, giving around 250 to 300 available plots. As of now we’ve received 125 applications, meaning we’re more or less halfway to filling them. This is pretty cool since we’ve only had applications open for around a week! It also means that if you haven’t applied yet, there’s still room for you, but don’t wait around till the last minute as you could miss out!" Two of the sims will be water, including one for exhibits, and the cake baker was named, Japanese artist Mikati Slade.

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