
Monday, June 18, 2012

SL9B Opens Today

After weeks of preperation, the Second Life Ninth Birthday event finally opens today. At 11AM SL time, the sims open, and the keynote address is given. Whom is giving the address, Second Life Newser hasn't heard yet, but it is unlikely to be someone from Linden Lab as they weren't a part of this year's event. And at 12 Noon SL time, the events begin.

Thanks to DreamSeeker estates and other sponsors, there are 20 sims of exhibits, large and small, representing many communities, as well as groups such as Team Phoenix, and talented individuals such as Dr.Fran Babcock. The number is too great to mention here. But to help find them, you can grab a HUD to help go around in DreamSeeker SL9B Devet (250, 116, 22)

Don't forget to stop by at our own exhibit at DreamSeeker SL9B Kyuu (86, 76, 21). For a great view of the area around, just click on the hat and select "sit."

Be sure to read more later today. There was so much to see, we're going to have to wait until later today to write more about it.

For more, check up on the SL9B blog:

Machinima credit: Moo Money

Bixyl Shuftan

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