
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

SL9B Update

In Crap Mariner's latest SL9B video, #21, the "Prim Reaper" takes a look at one of the fun things to do at the Birthday event, the "Church of Rosedale" waterslide. While there, be comes across a certain "Fox Reporter." ;-)

So far, things are progressing at the SL9B nicely. With a week to go, already lots of exhibits are completed or almost complete. The moderators are giving names and music streams to the plots. An SLB tradition will be happening once again, the "Time Capsule." And Sunday June 17th has been scheduled as Press Day for bloggers and others in the Second Life media to get an early peek at the exhibits (although one certain newsletter got an even earlier one). If you want to see some snapshots of what's already up, you can check the SL9B Community Flickr page.

As for our own exhibit, Gemma Cleanslate's partner Qwark Allen has graciously offered to help us out. We've talked about what to do and exchanged ideas. One surprise I got was a reaction to the hat which I planned originally as a placeholder, but people seeing it have complemented it, DrFran Babcock saying she knew it was my place upon seeing it. So by popular demand, we're making it part of the build. We've also given it one fancy feature: click and select "sit," and you'll get a bird's eye view of the sim.

So what will it finally look like? Well, you'll see. For now, here's a view of the hat's position.

Bixyl Shuftan

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