
Friday, May 17, 2013

RFL "Halfway There Fair" 2013 This Weekend

Celebrating!  Rejoicing!  Cheering!  Exulting!
Are you ready to celebrate the fantastic first half of the Relay For Life of Second Life 2013 season?!?  This weekend, May 18-19, we will be doing just that!  The sim is being created as an “Alice in Wonderland Mad Hatter Tea Party” celebration.  The Halfway There Awards Ceremony is planned for 4pm SLT on Saturday, May 18th
There will be two stage areas and the Events Area has offered the stage space to the teams for fund raising in a unique setting and several have signed up.  
Throughout the weekend, we hope you will drop by and enjoy walking through the sim.  Stopping to listen to the music, or just enjoying the build.  
We are looking forward to seeing you there!!
 Check the schedule at the Relay For Life blog Here.

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