
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Halloween in Space

At 6PM yesterday on November 1, the National Space Society group held it's Halloween party.

Have a howlin' good time celebrating Halloween with the National Space Society and Friends in the Great Pumpkin Space BALLroom at Earth-Moon L1!  We have a scary good musical set on the audio stream for your dancing and listening pleasure.  You are encouraged to come dressed in spooky or spacey fashion…or better yet, a spooky space costume.  And please feel free to pass along this invitation.

The party was small but lively, taking place high above the National Space Society sim. For the occasion, the party was held in a space station module made to look like a jack o' lantern. There was pumpkin cider available to drink, or one could just "dance" by floating around in zero gravity ... unless one could fly, such as the bat avatar that showed up.

 Some showed up in "costume," or avatars they do not usually wear, such as this "space werewolf" with crystal shoulderpads.

The music was mix of classic Halloween tunage, such as "Thriller" and "Monster Mash," but there were also songs with science themes sneaked in, such as Weird Al's tribute to "Jurassic Park."

The National Space Society group, the Second Life chapter of the National Space Society, holds regular meetings at 3PM every Monday.

National Space Society (128/152/1260)

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