
Thursday, November 7, 2013

InWorldz Relay For LIfe Weekend this Saturday

For Second Life, the Relay season may have ended in July. But in the InWorldz Grid, theirs was just about to start. This year marks the second season for the Relay for Life in InWorldz, and Saturday marks it's climax: the Relay Weekend.

The event takes place on Nov 9 from 9AM to 9PM.

The RFL in InWorldz's first season raised over 64,000 Iz.

For more information, check the RFL in IW blog at

Or questions about the event can be given to:

Panza Eilde (Finch)
Survivor/Caregiver Committee

 The RFL in IW Relay Teack, as seen from the RFL InBiz sim on the InWorldz Grid

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