
Friday, October 17, 2014

October is PAIL Awareness

By Tiddily Winks

 Everyone knows that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month but very few know it is also Pregnancy and Infant Loss (PAIL) Remembrance.  October 15th of every year is a special day for everyone who has lost a child, either due to miscarriage or something else.  At 7pm on the 15th everyone will light a candle for their loss and for any loved one’s losses and let the candle or candles burn for one hour.  It is called Worldwide Candle Lighting.  This creates a wave of light around the world.  This can be done by anybody.  I do it for my daughter and for several friends who have also lost their babies for different reasons. 

    If you know someone who has lost a child for any reason, talk to them let them know you care for them.  And take it from someone who has lost a child herself, talk about the child. If you knew him or her tell the parent(s) what you remember about their child.  They may not show it right away but it will make them happy that someone else remembers their “baby.” 

    Also, you can find help for your loss and a friend’s loss.  Most people do not know that children are lost to some sort of death.  We need to get it out there more, show people that is does happen.  Let them know what can be done to help the parents of any children who pass away.  There is a wonderful group known as The Compassionate Friends that is very good at helping with loss.  They cover all sorts of loss and even have online support groups you can go to.  Their website is  I go to this group when I need help dealing with my loss even though it has been 5 years now.  Some cities have a local chapter of The Compassionate Friends as well.  One would just need to go on their website and it will tell them if there is one in their area.
Tiddily Winks

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