
Thursday, March 3, 2016

Wedding Bells

Tuesday March 1 marked the wedding of a longtime resident, and friend of mine with her partner. At 10 AM SL time, a ceremony with a gothic theme began, uniting Meli Hotshot with her love Rick Darksoul (latexlover070). Following the exchange of vows and the kiss, there was a reception afterwards, with music and dance.

I ran into Meli through Muertos Ashborne, whom I had met through friends at the old STA before it closed down. In the days following the close of my favorite spot in Second Life, they helped cheer me and others up. While our paths took us different places, Meli taking a break from the Grid, eventually she returned, and we began talking to one another again. She soon ran into Rick, and the two fell in love.

May the new couple find joy and happiness.

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