
Sunday, July 31, 2016

Cartoon of the Day

Taken at the Happy Vixen

By Bixyl Shuftan

Saturday, July 30, 2016

SL Video: "Denja feat. Gitte -Original Vocal Mix, by Chantal Harvey"

(Click here if the video fails to play)

From Chantal Harvey in May 2008, "The song was created for Dance Island - in the virtual world of Second Life. The clip was shot in the virtual club, and in real life - Denmark. I mixed the images in post production."

Friday, July 29, 2016

RFL Courage 2016: Null Aries' Designer Sim

The Relay Weekend of 2016 is behind us, but the memory of the excitement and the great builds lives on. There were a number that were talked about, such as the Sunbeamer's camp's exhibit with one a trophy. But there were others. One was the Designer Sim at RFL Courage by Null Aries. With it's picturesque "Cave of Unknowing" and the geode hunt at "Triumph Mountain," it was very memorable.

See the pictures in Design.

Titanic – The Night To Remember

It was a little more than four years ago since the Newser wrote about the Titanic in Second Life, a build of the famous passenger liner that sank on it's maiden voyage a century before the article then was written. The ship is still there, still having regular events. Hearing about this, Deaflegacy went over to look over the build for an update. Besides the ship, she also found out about a museum exhibit on the doomed vessel, which was also very well done.

Read Deaflegacy's article in Places.

The Rinaede

Our newest writer, Marijke Biziou, makes her debut article with a look at a unique club: the Rinaede. The venue has a mainly furry crowd, but the owner stresses the club is open to all. Designed with a videogame look, the club has a nearby shopping area, and is near a future RP area.

Read Marijke's article in SL Clubbin'..

LEA9's King Kong's Skull Island "Live in New York" Show on Sunday

The Linden Endowment for the Arts sim LEA9 has harbored a setting familiar to classic movie fans: Skull Island, the home of King Kong. Besides the well-detailed exhibit of dinosaurs, snakes, and other creatures, there are occasional events there. One is this Sunday on July 31st, "King Kong's Live in New York Show."

"Watch him smash New York. Will the airplanes destroy him ?

For those dropping in before the event, they can still see King Kong in his cave. Unlike the huge ape in the movie, Second Life's Kong is a bit more easy to get along with.

The event takes place Sunday July 31st at 1PM SL time. There is also a schedule for events next month.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Press Release: Sunbeamers Relay For Life 3rd Annual Road Rally Information

Welcome to the Sunbeamers Relay For life Road Rally at Farshore Field. The purpose of this rally is to raise money for the American Cancer Society through donations. Even though there is a trophy and prize this is to be a fun and entertaining event and not to be taken as a serious contest. The following information is on how the race is run and what is expected. Also the field will remain open to aircraft operations so feel free to fly in or fly over the race.

To enter into the race requires a donation into the kiosk in front of the officials stand, this can be any amount. We ask that you do so with the attention of an official so as you can be recorded for timekeeping. Officials will be in yellow Sunbeamers shirts with Race Official flip titles.

There are three classes of racing, Cars/trucks, Motorcycles, and What is that? You may enter all three.

There will be 5 laps per donation. Additional donation can gain you 5 more laps to better your time.

The race takes place on Saturday July 30, and starts at 8AM SLT. At 4PM SLT the rally is over and the fast time for each class receive a trophy and $500 Lindens.

*Addition, the Press Release did not originally include the day of the event*

SL Video: "Tiny RFL Race, July 17 '16, Shady Fox Memorial Race"

(Click here if the video fails to play)

From RacerX Gullwing on July 17, taken near the Relay Weekend Track, "This was our Final Relay for Life race of the Relay Season 2016. A very Special Tiny race dedicated to our own Shady Fox."

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Cartoon of the Day

Taken during the Relay Weekend, Canis Baxton in his huge doggie avatar seems very happy to be with Bain Finch. One wonders how a dog could get so big. Maybe those snacks made more than just his belly grow.

By Bixyl Shuftan

Woodbury in Kitely Grid

Several years ago, Linden Lab shut down the Woodbury location and group in Second Life, banning many of their members. With a strong reputation for being a hangout for griefers, the news of their departure was greeted with relief by many. Recently Second Life Newser would get a tip that the group had a place in virtual reality, but in a different grid: Kitely. So it was decided to investigate.

Read more in Other Grids, MMOs, and Games.


With the Second Life Birthday and the Relay For Life Weekend behind her, Gemma Cleanslate has been once again going around places across Second Life. One such place is Yosemite National Park. Owned and landscaped by Jadyn Firehawk, there is much natural scenery in the form of mountains, forest, and rivers. But that is not all. The area also has it's artistic side, with a Japanese garden, and the "Little Yosemite Art Forest."

Read Gemma's story in Places.

SL Video: "Pokemon GO / Second Life"

(Click here if the video fails to play)

From Mistell Production Film on July 15, a Second Life video of someone playing the popular "Pokemon GO" mobile app game.

Hat Tip: Hamlet Au  

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Frets Nirvana Club Vet HFOT Fundraiser Nets Over 30,000 Lindens

On Saturday evening July 23, Frets Nirvana did a live music event for a new club: Club Vet. As the club was built with the intent of honoring American soldiers and sailors, the opening event became a fundraiser for the "Homes For Our Troops" charity.

I will be playing at the new opening of Club Vet tonight at 8 PM SLT to benefit Homes for Our Troops.  Come on out for a good night of music and support our wounded veterans. 

The event lasted two hours and raised 30,060 Lindens.

Amazonas (37/62/67)

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Furry Fashion Clubs

It's another week of events at the Sunweaver Clubs and the Furry Fashion Lounge.

Club Cutlass: Best in "T," Sports Night, Spies Like Us

Happy Vixen: Pirates, Beach Wear, Hooves

Furry Fashion Lounge: Rock, Dragons, Blue, Newbs n' Trolls, Formal, Metal, Movies, Fantasy

Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'.

Furry Fashion Gets Aboard Twitter

For those who want to keep up with the latest the Furry Fashion store has to offer, they recently got a Twitter account. So one can find out about their latest deals, or the schedule of their Furry Fashion Lounge. One can find their Twitter at: .

Monday, July 25, 2016

ZZ Studio’s Car show

ZZ Studios has been noted for producing exotic adult media over the years. But "blue movies" are not all that they do. Some of the staff have been admirers of classic automobiles, and once a year they hold a car show. The Newser found out about this year's event, and sent Grease Coakes to cover it. So what did he find?

Read Grease's article in Events.

Mythica Woods

Among the Sunweaver sims, Sunweaver Air is what many visitors often see due to Club Clutlass. But the others get fewer visitors. Among these is the one next to both Sunweaver Air and HV Community, the home of the SL Newser office: Sunny Beach, also known as Mythica Woods. Becky Shamen took a look at the place, and the resident who owns most of the property there: Erik Mouse

Read Becky's article in Places.

Press Release: "Homes Four Our Troops" Bennefit at Veterans Isle This Sunday

Frets Nirvana and US Military Veterans Group announces the sixth 2016 benefit for Homes For Our Troops in Second Life! 

Frets Nirvana, the premier guitar artist in the virtual world Second Life and the US Military Veterans Group announce a benefit on July 31, 2016 in Second Life for the Veterans Support Organization for Home For Our Troops . 

Frets Nirvana states:  “HFOT is a privately funded 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization building specially adapted, mortgage-free homes nationwide for the most severely injured Veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan. Most of these Veterans are multiple amputees, paraplegic, quadriplegic or suffered severe traumatic brain injury (TBI).  These homes restore some of the freedom and independence our Veterans sacrificed defending ours, and enable them to focus on their family, recovery, and rebuilding their lives. Since its inception in 2004, over 90 cents of every dollar spent by Homes for Our Troop has gone to directly support Veterans. ”

Home for Our Troops benefit concerts feature premier Second Life talent monthly at Veteran’s Isle.  The concert on July 31, 2016 is scheduled from 5-9 PM PST.  Featured artists will be Steely Decosta,Paul Nowles, Frets Nirvana and Ganjo Mokeev.

ABOUT HOMES FOR OUR TROOPS  - HFOT builds homes as a departure point for Veterans to rebuild their lives, and once again become highly productive members of society. Despite their life-altering injuries, many Veterans have embarked on new careers, completed their college degrees, or started families. Empowered by the freedom a mortgage-free and specially adapted home brings, these Veterans can now focus on their recovery and return to their life’s work of serving others. Many have embraced their roles as motivational speakers, sharing their messages of persevering through tragedy with groups and classrooms around the country; others take to a national platform to promote awareness of veteran suicide, homelessness and PTSD. Their incredible stories are the driving force for the work for HFOT. To learn more about the Homes For Our Troops visit

For more information, contact Frets Nirvana in Second Life

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Cartoon of the Day

From the Team Sunbeamers camp at the Relay Weekend. Do you ever wonder who that skeleton in health or science class used to be?

From Bixyl Shuftan

Saturday, July 23, 2016

News and Commentary: Update on JP Laszlo of the Trump Organization

It was a few weeks ago in which JP Laszlo and several other members of the Trump Organization, the most well-known of the groups in Second Life promoting US Presidential candidate Donald Trump, were banned from Second Life by Linden Lab. The Lab also closed the group's sim, "The Wall." The group had a short but controversial history in Second Life. Members of the group erected a "Trump Wall" next to the Sanders HQ, towering over it, and they were blamed for a number of griefing incidents there and other places on the Grid.

Since the banning, little has been heard from JP Laszlo that the Newser is aware of. On the group's Facebook page, they mentioned there's been no response to their ban appeal. On his Twitter, JP changed his name there to "JPizzers" and posted a picture showing a girl in a Russian uniform with the words "Make Woodbury Great Again," a reference to an area in Second Life that had a reputation for harboring griefers which was eventually erased by Linden Lab and many of it's group banned.

 As part of the Trump Organization, JP insisted they were not griefers, but called what they truly did pranks which they felt the Sanders group overreacted to, saying the incidents of outright griefing were not his doing. But JP's adoption of the Woodbury name compromises his claim and provides ammunition to those who blamed Trump-themed griefing attacks on him. JP's critics included Hamlet Au of New World Notes, whom felt their sim was taken down due to the huge black eagle design visible on the map resembled a Nazi symbol.

Hamlet Au would go on to call the Trump Organization an example of Second Life imitating real life, comparing them to the Presidential campaign they claimed they supported, "in this case, they're actually less troll-ish than their real life counterparts -- who are literally drawing on images and memes from trolls in the online realm in order to troll the entire world." But unlike trolls in Second Life, which are close to universally disliked by the residents, Donald Trump enjoys the support of much of the US electorate, seen by many working-class Americans as their champion. This week at the Republican Party's convention in Cleveland, he officially became their nominee for the office of President of the United States,giving a long acceptance speech. While this may be the last we hear of JP Laszlo, Trump will dominate the headlines of real life news for the next few months, possibly for the next four to eight years.

 Sources:, New World Notes, BBC News  

Bixyl Shuftan

Friday, July 22, 2016

Hair Fair 2016

Not all charities deal directly with curing illnesses. A few deal with quality of life of those afflicted. For those suffering from baldness due to the effects of chemotherapy treatment, it's bad enough for adults. But for children, losing their hair can be truly devastating. This is where the charity "Wigs for Kids" comes in, providing hairpieces for younger cancer patients. In Second Life, the most noted event raising funds for the charity is the annual Hair Fair, taking place right now. With six sims to shop in, there's a lot of cover for one's virtual noggin. Becky Shamen decided to to give the event a look to see what was available.

Read Becky's article in Design

"What's In A Name?”

Names. Everyone has them, but what do they say about a person? Unlike real life, Second Life residents have had some degree of choice in their names. Before 2010, people could chose whatever first name they wanted, and one of a limited number of surnames. Since then, new people have been limited to a unique single account name (and the default surname of "Resident"), and a separate "display name" which could be whatever they wanted. As it turns out, display names can include some fancy letters that weren't an option before them. So what are some examples of what residents can come up with? For Newser reporter MajikVixen, she only had to go to her partner and circle of friends for some examples.

Read MajikVixen's story in People.

Reader Submitted: Scenes From the Relay

Prettykitty Gumbo sent over several screenshots from the Relay Weekend. One was of the Second Life Coast Guard team's members standing at attention during the Luminaria hour.

Taken at RFL Embrace, sitting on one of the purple couches.

 Taken at Team Ragtag's camp at RFL Cure, the Pikachu Pokemon someone placed as a whimsical tribute to the popular "Pokemon GO" game that's been all the rage lately.

Also taken at Team Ragtag's camp at RFL Cure, a couple tiny avatars take a seat.

Taken at the T-1 Rado location at the media center area, Prettykitty's on another couch with a friend.

SL Video: "RFL Second Life 2016 Closing Ceremony"

(Click here if the video fails to play)

From Jara Lowel on July17, a recording of the Relay Weekend's Closing Ceremony. At 55:26 is the reading of "The Empty Chair."

Thursday, July 21, 2016

RFL Track: The Flood Party and the TearDown

Wednesday July 20 was the last day to see the builds on this year's Relay for Life Weekend track. A few builds had already been taken down by the time the day started, and by mid-afternoon many more were gone. But some were still up such as "The Forest of Life."

While many Relayers expressed sorrow, the sad feelings were eased somewhat by the expectations of the "Flood Party." Starting in 2010 as a spontaneous act of funnery after one sim manager raised the water level by ten feet, the Flood Party has become an unofficial Relay for Life tradition in SL.

Tsunami Warning Targets RFL SIMS - Flooding Expected
The impact of RFL of SL's 2016 Season has triggered a Tsunami and its focus is on RFL Activities Sim.

Unlike the first one, subsequent Flood party events have never resembled the deep end of a swimming pool. A few involved only a few inches of water. But that would not be the case this time. People gathered at the RFL Activities sim at 4:30, where Trader Whiplash was DJing some tunes, and before long, some rain started, and the water soon covered the ground.

It wasn't much longer before the water covered the walkway around the stage.

Rowena Dubrovna, who showed up in her tiny otter avatar, was soon having trouble keeping her head over the water. Someone rezzed a tiny float tube for her to stand on.

The water would eventually get knee-deep for most (or thigh deep for this 5'1" fox). While not exactly deep enough for certain felines to get their merfolk tails and "turn catfish," still deep enough for everyone to enjoy it.

But not all was cheers for the Sunbeamer team. It was time to take down the builds at the camp, and Shockwave and Cynthia had waited until almost the last minute. But there were no tears. The build had been well documented, and had a place in the team's history as the first to win an award, "End of line."

And so, the Relay track sims, once home to dozens of exhibits, were once again empty. And in a few hours, the sims would be offline and closed to the public.All except for the American Cancer Society, which remains up the whole year. The Relay Weekend had truly faded into the history books. But there's still the "Wrap-Up" party next month. And of course a whole new season next year.

Stay tuned a few more articles on the Relay Track.

Bixyl Shuftan

Relay for Life: List of Relay Weekend Awards

Cancer Education Awareness Award:
3rd Place: Circle of Life, 2nd Place: Relay Rockers, 1st Place: Sunbeamers

Creative Inventive Fundraising Award:
3rd Place: Faeries of Hope and the Cure, 2nd Place: Team LiveWire,

New Team Award for Creative Inventive Fundraising:
Fly For Life

Best Theme Decorated Award:
3rd place: Builder's Brewery Relay For Life, 2nd place: E&S Breedables, 1st place: Dreamin' in Purple

Best New Team Theme Decorated Award:
Builder's Brewery Relay For Life!

The Exhibition Design Award
3rd place: Fantasy Faire Radio and the Home and Garden Expo, 2nd place: the Survivor Sim, 1st place: Fantasy Faire Mega Event Campsite

Designer Sim Award
3rd Place:  Null Aries - RFL Courage, 2nd Place: Luna Barak = RFL Manage, 1st place: Darkstone Aeon - RFL Victory

New Team Participation Award (triple tie)
3rdPlace: Atlantis For Life and Sol Existence, 2nd Place: Two Moon Gardens and A Stand For Hope, 1st Place: Fighting Sunflowers and Friends For a Cure

Returning Team Participation Award
3rd Place:  Cure Chasers and Relay Rockers, 2nd Place: Dreamin in Purple, 1st Place:  RGF Estates

SL Video: "RFL Second Life 2016 Opening Ceremony and 1st Lap"

(Click here if the video fails to play)

From Jara Lowel on July 16, a recording of the Relay Committee speaking at the Opening Ceremony, and of the Relay Track on the Survivor and Caregiver's Lap. Jara was the girl whom walked the track with a cart behind her.

Press Release: Team Diabetes of Second Life to Return for a Second Season



We are pleased to announce the second season of Team Diabetes of Second Life! Team Diabetes of Second Life is an official and authorized team of The American Diabetes Association. The mission of Team Diabetes of Second Life is to raise awareness, tolerance, and funds for diabetes in the virtual world of Second Life.

According to the World Health Organization (2016): 422 million adults in the world have diabetes and 1.5 million deaths are directly attributed to diabetes each year.

Team Diabetes of Second Life was founded by Jessii2009 Warrhol and Johannes1977 Resident and will continue functioning in the form of an advisory board, with a coordinator leading the TEam Diabetes of Second Life effort. The 2016 Team Diabetes of Second Life Coordinator is Johannes1977 Resident and the 2016 Team Diabetes of Second Life Advisory Board members are: Jessii2009 Warrhol, Dawnbeam Dreamscape, Eleseren Brianna, Veruca Tammas, Sandie Loxingly, Rob Fenwitch, and Earth Nirvana. Saiyge Lotus is a special advisor to the advisory board.

The official Team Diabetes of Second Life's season will take place from October 2016 to January 2016, with the following events scheduled to take place:

Off Season Event - October 13 to October 31 - Scare Me Silly Shopping Event
November 1 to November 30 - National Diabetes Month
November 1 to November 30 - The Red Hunt
November TBD - The Red Ball
November TBD - The Red Hop Around Shopping Event
November TBD - The Edge Anniversary Events
December 8 to December 18 - The Windlight Winter Art Show and Winter Merchant Showcase
January 2017 - TBD - Tour de SL Bike Race and Season Closing Events

In addition to the events mentioned above, individuals, businesses, and organizations are encouraged to hold fundraising events in support of Team Diabetes of Second Life! An official fundraising toolkit will be available to the Second Life Public on August 1, 2016 at the organization’s office in the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life.

About The American Diabetes Association:
The American Diabetes Association’s mission is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes. The American Diabetes Association leads the fight against the deadly consequences of diabetes and fights for those affected by diabetes by funding research to prevent, cure, and manage diabetes.

The American Diabetes Association delivers services to hundreds of communities and provides objective and credible information and resources about diabetes.

Free resources are available in English and Spanish at and 1-800-DIABETES (1-800-342-2382).

For More Information: (The official American Diabetes Association page for Team Diabetes of Second Life) (Website to find diabetes information in your home country)

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Cartoon of the Day: Pokemon GO

Taken at Furry Fashion. Okay, technically a Renamon is a "Digimon" and not a Pokemon, but how many who don't play the games would know or care that much? And for those whose "significant others" play the game a little too much, wouldn't you like to turn the tables on him/her in a rather ironic way? ;-)

By Bixyl Shuftan

RFL Walk: The Really Wild West Exhibit (2009)

Every year, there are some great builds at the Relay for Life Weekend track. Not all were documented, but thankfully some have. On July 24 2009, the Second Life Newspaper wrote about the Passionate Redhead's "Wild West" exhibit on it's camp. Featuring picturesque canyons, there was much interactivity in the form of a river raft ride and a mine cart ride. Several years later, the camp is still fondly remembered.

Read the 2009 article in the SL Newspaper Archives.

Hurry Up and Explore: Relay Camps Coming Down Today

If you want a look at the Relay sims, today is your last chance to see them. Builders have been asked to pick up their exhibits by 10 PM tonight. A few whom presumably wouldn't be able to log in today have already packed up and left behind empty plots. But there's still much, to see, but not for long. As the day goes by, more will be gone.

Yours truly has spent more time exploring and less writing in order that the builds be documented in pictures. So for now you'll have to see for yourself. And there's more than just fun sites. At the Null Aries designer sim in RFL Courage, I found nine colorful geode stones and a display case.

There was much to see, both above ground and below, pristine forest and hillsides, and well done brick and marble structures. And a lot more.

The Newser will have more pictures later. For now, Wildstar Beaumont has provided a massive archive of finely detailed pictures of this years Relay Track sims. As for the traditional "flood party," word has it there will be an announcement at 4PM today SL time about the time and place.

Bixyl Shuftan

SL Video: "The Drax Files: World Makers [Episode 39: Sergio Delacruz]"

(Click here if the video fails to play)

From Draxtor Despress on July 15, "Is Second Life a game? 'No!' answers game designer Sergio Delacruz from Sicily decisively: 'It is a virtual world where I can imagine and build whatever I like. For example a game. But I don't have to. It is total freedom!'

"Sergio is a self-taught programmer and 3D modeler who came to SL in 2008 with little digital skills but thrived quickly by hanging out in public sandboxes, studying in-world building and scripting techniques.

"Today he runs the popular Delacruz Park which features elaborate immersive action and horror games like his latest 'Susan's Diary': here, any SL resident can play - and this is the unique feature of this world - while retaining their own virtual avatar identity throughout the experience.

"One might even encounter a Koala bear with a laser rifle alongside humanoids, shooting robots in Sergio's 'Drone War'.

"In between applying the latest Second Life features to his games and selling hundreds of roller-coasters, water-slides and bumper cars all around the Second Life grid, Sergio is developing for Android using various programming languages as well as Blender and Unity, even dabbling in the latest VR development.

"Who would have thought that relentless creative pursuit coupled with a free, accessible and limitless virtual world can result in personal growth and a wide range of applicable skills for the experiential age?"

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Furry Fashion Clubs

The Relay Weekend is over. But there's still plenty to do in Second Life, such as the events at the Sunweaver/Angel clubs and the Furry Fashion Lounge.

Club Cutlass: Best in S, Evil Ways, Funny Stuff

Happy Vixen: TBA

Furry Fashion Lounge: Rock, Pokemon, Yellow, Nocturnals, Magic, Monsters, Under the Sea, Anime 

See the schedule in SL Clubbin'.

Updated 1PM SL time

Mysteria at the Oval Theater

Gemma Cleanslate recently attended a performance at the Oval Theater called "Mysteria." Performed by a cast of dancers, the audience is asked to "Let your imagination soar as your reality merges with a world of wonder and whimsy." A performance to be remembered, there are two more this week on July 21st and 23rd.

Read more in Design.

Reader Submitted: Jay's Romance

In order to augment your experience in the ballroom, tuxedo's and ballgowns are available at the door. Once you have passed through the red lace curtain, you will get a cozy feeling. Romantic music will engulf you and there is a relaxed atmosphere, fortified by the red drapes and the brick walls.

Centerstage is Lady Dorothea as DJ. Her motto is "Feel Food Inside!" Owner JayMaze Yao is already on the dance floor and both are offering you a warm welcome to Jay's Romance. It is a great place where people can dance and get acquainted. Lady Dorothea is a true Lady, she is kindness and gentleness personified. She wants you to feel good and at at ease and you do as a matter of course!

After sipping a Daiquiri at the bar, feel free to accept an invitation for a ballroom dance. It is a wonderful feeling to glide and float being guided and lifted by your dance partner. It makes for a very special experience, you will see.

Jay's Romance is open every Sunday from 12 to 2 p.m. SL time, and it stands to reason that everybody is welcome. Be there!

Owner JayMaze Yao and other great DJ's, not to forget the wonderful hostesses, will entertain you the rest of the week on the other side at Jay's Club. 

scaccomatto (94/108/703

Marijke Biziou

Announcement: Moon Landing Day "First Steps on the Moon"

7:30pm SL time, Wed 20 July with "First Step" moment at 7:56:15pm SL time.

Video, history and celebration of Apollo 11 and the anniversary of mankind's first steps on the Moon, July 20th 1969, and implications for our present and future in space.  Sponsored by the National Space Society of SL at our Tranquility Base venue

Monday, July 18, 2016

New Species of Lindo Virtual Flowers

Today our newest writer, MajikVixen, writes about a game in Second Life called Lindo Virtual Flowers. The game is designed to give the gamer a few Lindens, while increasing traffic to locations taking part in the game. One can also buy seeds for bonuses, and the top scoring players get a bonus in the number of Lindens they get. So where can aspiring green thumbs find one of these plants?

Read the story in Design

Triumph: Relay Weekend Concludes

Yesterday marked the second half of the Relay Weekend, also known as the Relay Walk, marked by 24 hours of walking across a track across almost 40 sims. In the pre-dawn and early morning, the Relayers continued to walk the track. Some had taken breaks to sleep, but a hardy few continued on without so much as a nap.

At 10AM were the official closing ceremonies.  Committee members thanked the hundreds whom had taken part, large and small, as well as recognizing certain individuals whom had made special efforts. There were also some team awards given out. There were also reminders of why the struggle continues, stories of people who had survived their battle with cancer, and of people who had not.

Among the teams getting awards was Team Sunbeamers. They had received the Cancer Education Awareness Award: 1st place. Since it's creation, the team had earned awards for fundraising, but not for it's campsite. This time it had. So when it walked the Victory Lap following the closing ceremonies, marked with fireworks at certain locations on the track, it did so with Cynthia Farshore, one of the builders of it's award-winning camp, it's flag flying high.

After the victory lap was an impromptu event at the T-1 Radio location. And a number of people whooped it up. While there might not have been a "skunknado," at one point a thirty foot woman showed up.

Members of team Sunbeamers would later get copies of their award. Also given out were teamwork awards, and awards for completing at least one lap of the Relay Track. Cynthia Farshore would get the "Rabbit Award" for making more than ten laps.

The SL Newser will display more pictures of the track later. For those who can't wait, IshtarAngel Micheline has a few up on her Flickr, of both the ceremonies, and of the track.

*Addition*  - the sims will remain up until at least late Wednesday night. While no date for the "flood party," a recent tradition for the Relayers, has been given yet, it's often on the Wednesday afternoon following the Relay Weekend.

Bixyl Shuftan

Tragedy: Memorial to the Fallen of Nice and Paris

Je Suis Nice: "I am Nice." 

While much of Second Life was busy celebrating the Relay Weekend, there was a small corner with a memorial for a recent tragedy. On Thursday night local time, July 14,  in the French city of Nice, a large truck plowed into a crowd of people whom had gathered to enjoy the Bastille Day celebrations. The result was over eighty people crushed to death and over three hundred hurt before local police killed the terrorist, a Tunisian delivery driver with a criminal record including one previous charge of assault. While he had no known connections to any group, the ISIS terrorist organization has claimed credit for the mass-murder.

In the Paris 1900 sims a memorial was set up for the victims in this attack, and two other acts of terrorism last year. There was a list of names of the 130 whom were killed in a number of attacks on Friday November 13 in Paris France, and a hand holding a pencil with a list of names of those killed in the attack on the Charlie Hebdo magazine on January 7 2015. One could pick up a small copy of the small Charlie Hebdo memorial.

Earlier,  there had been a picture of a ribbon, a combination American flag and rainbow with the caption "We stand with Orlando," a reference to the terrorist attack on the attack on the Pulse nightclub last month. Beneath that were a few candles, one with the display, "Please allow peace." There was also a Belgian flag, possibly referring to the bombings in Brussels in March 2016, all of the attacks linked to Islamic extremism.

This marks the third time in a year and a half the Paris 1900 sims have been the location of memorials, the previous two for the attack on Charlie Hebdo and the November 2015 attacks.

Les Champs Elysees (248, 114, 24)

Bixyl Shuftan