
Friday, July 1, 2016

Hillary Clinton Group Claims Trump Organization Leader Banned

It's not yet confirmed, but it may be the beginning of the end for Second Life's most well known group of supporters of Donald Trump.

On the evening of June 30, a member of the Hillary Clinton 2016 group, who requested to remain anonymous, stated that there was a group notice that JP Laszlo, the leader of the Trump Organization and a few other Trump groups in Second Life had been banned by Linden Lab and their sim, "The Wall," had been confiscated.

J.P. (jp.laszlo), leader of the biggest Trump group in Second Life got banned by the Lab and their main sim was seized.  J.P. and other associates no longer appear in people search or in any affiliated Trump groups.

J.P.'s group has been well known to troll SL residents (including us) with their political propaganda and harassment tactics.  I guess Linden Labs had enough of it. :-D

The notice was given by Priscilla Cox (Prissycox), the head of Hillary Clinton 2016.

A search for JP Laszlo both using inworld Search and on proved fruitless. The sim was still online when I checked. While it was blocked to visitors, it had been closed to them under JP as well.

Of exactly why JP and others of the Trump Organization were banned, the informer doubted it was for anything done with the Clinton group, "they had done some minor griefing to the Hillary HQ nothing major really.  So not sure what precipitated LLs big move last night." She had heard of a griefing incident at Bay City not far from where they had a building. But when I later talked to Marianne McCann, she had strong doubts that the Trump Organization was involved or that even if this were it would get a permanent ban in response as the incident in question was minor. However in the past, JP and his Trump Organization were accused of taking part in the outright griefing of Bernie Sanders supporters, in addition to the pranks they admitted pulling, such as the Trump Wall. Hamlet Au of New World Notes basically called for Linden Lab to ban members of the group for violations of Second Life's community standards. JP denied his group was griefing, "We are not trolls, just political activists with a sense of humor and fun." But others begged to differ,

More information may come in over the next few days, but with JP's account removed, it's doubtful he will be coming back to Second Life. While no doubt there will continue to be trolls harassing people in Trump's name, it seems the largest group of Trump supporters has just been swatted down.

* * * * *

A visit to Lionheart Ahadi revealed that the Clinton HQ was no longer at the block it and the old Trump HQ had been on. It's owner Candace Larganta had earlier hinted it would be up until after the July 4rth weekend. But there was another Clinton building at
Lionheart Pumbaa (205, 210, 28). The Trump building by the old Trump Organization that had been across the street from it was gone to, though one biker bar did put up a Trump sign.

In real life, the primaries are over, and both Clinton and Trump are trying to unify their parties behind them. But a number of Republicans are reluctant to support Trump, and many "Berners" say they will not vote for Clinton reguardless of whether or not she gets Sansers' endorsement. In both Second Life and real life, it's been an interesting election.

*Addition*  Contacting JP Lazslo through his Facebook group "Donald Trump Still Thinks Your Waifu is S***," he confirmed that Linden Lab had indeed banned him and others in his group. He also made a short but to the point post on his Twitter account.

Bixyl Shuftan


  1. Let's not forget the collateral damage done, many people in the Donald Trump Organization where banned, it was not a griefer group. Many of them where indeed political activists that believed in Donald Trump, there was some idiot who weren't the cream of the crop, but every group in Second Life has that, this Linden Labs purge is outright wrong.

    1. I absolutely agree with you Sir Anon, the purge claimed many innocent lives, including many of my friends who were Trump Supporters and residents there, respectful people have been falsely punished without former warnings, or written notices.

  2. As an edit to the comment above, the point I'm trying to make is griefers are everywhere, and you can't ban an entire group just because a few tards get in, what they've done is banned political activists and it's wrong.

    1. That is correct, what LidenLabs did is outright a political statement on their part and a harassment of otherwise "Peaceful" Trump supporters who did not engage in "true grieving" i.e. destruction of other sims and use of malicious code that is known to be something SL grievers use. the acts of Trump Supports carrying signs around other sims were only "protests"

  3. Remember, Trump is bad... But Dog fucking is okay.

  4. Anon, it never ceases to amaze me the continual playing of the persecution complex card from those on the far-right. The majority of the residents in the Trump 2016 groups are still there. There is no "purge" as you call it. It's quite simple. If you continue to violate SL's Community Standards and act like a bunch of obvious trolls, then you get the ban hammer. JP and his Trumpy ilk repeatedly demonstrated those violations and the Lab responded in kind. Griefers claim they never grief, but LL has better wisdom in deciding that. Here is a refresher of those standards in case you have forgotten how to act like a civilized avatar:

  5. Partially agree, can you state exactly what the "trump trolls" done in violation of the above mentioned standards?

    1. This person is obviously a typical SL degenerate.. The Community Standards in this game are a joking, remember some naughty language is ban worthy but fucking a dog in an adult rated sim isn't kek.. Also! They're supposed to warn, suspend and then terminate you. I can confirm by searching my emails I never got a warning.

  6. JP was purged because he tried to play games against players he was unqualified to address. It had nothing to do with politics. Well, except maybe troll politics.

  7. Anon, actually JP got banned for being a frickin' multiple account hacking/stealing lowlife criminal. Then he had the gall to go on Twitter and complain about his 'freeze peach' rights. Another SL bottom feeder bites the dust. Good riddance trump troll.

    1. I'm still on the grid Prissy baby. I've even seen you and you didn't even know it was me. This isn't my first rodeo.

      How you enjoying President Trump?

      See you on the grid,



  8. The twitter comment is gone. Good news!

  9. The twitter comment is gone. Good news!
