
Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Happy Birthday Dusk

Sunday October 1at 4PM was the birthday party for Dusk Griswold, The noted personality of the Sunweaver community was another year older, and her friends gathered at the Goblin Cave in Sunlight Bay. Cynthia Farshore, who owns the sim and "Farshore Radio" played the tunes for the party. Among those there were Sunweaver Chieftess Rita Mariner, Sabine McGettigan, whom has kept in touch with the Sunweaver community since the days of the Passionate Redheads Relay for Life team, and Shockwave Yareach. With Shockwave around, Cynthia played a few of his music parodies, such as "Somebody's Washing Me" and "Here In My Tank."

Dusk, or Ginger as she's sometimes called, was there of course in her blue gown. She calls herself "boring," but we at the Sunnies just chuckle at her self-debasement and offer her a hug.

Happy Birthday Dusk.

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