
Sunday, November 10, 2019

Announcement: Veterans Day Celebration and Ceremony

Info:  Join us as we pay homage to our heros. Veterans day in the U.S.A.  The brave men and women who proudly fought for us to enjoy our freedom.

Sunday , November 10th , 2019 at 1:OOpm SLT there will be a special tribute celebration with plenty of entertainment.
Along with a special ceremony in dedication to our supporters.


Feel free to dress accordingly.
Guests are encouraged to arrive early.
Those wearing excessive scripts may be asked to lower script count.

We look forward to seeing you. . . . 

For more information contact  Sharon (Sharon.Twist)

*AdditionA friend of mine went to the event, and told me the actual ceremony wasn't as advertised. To anyone else who went and was disappointed, my apologies.

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