
Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Nydia's Last Video, For Now : "KDA Popstars"

(Click here to see the video)

Filmed at "The Rift," from Nydia Tungsten on November 16, "The Angels are dancing away and having fun with KDA Popstars!"

Unfortunately, a couple days after the video was made, Nydia would announce this would be the last of her videos, at least for now. Thanks to recent changes in how the COPPA law (Children's Online Privacy and Protection Act) affects Youtube channel owners and how vague the law is, Nydia has reluctantly ceased making videos and is seriously considering taking down her videos on Youtube rather than risk being fired $43,000 USD per video.

More on the issue later.

Update: Nydia has the video up once again on Vimeo (link).

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