
Thursday, July 23, 2020

Real-Life Con Coming to Second Life : Gen Con July 30 to August 2

With conventions in real life being canceled due to the Coronavirus crisis, one alternative is for the events to go virtual. Gen Con, described by Wikipedia as " the largest tabletop-game convention in North America by both attendance and number of events," had to cancel in real life. But will be having events online, including here in Second Life, thanks to VRazeTheBar.

VRazeTheBar is going to go live providing an awesome social gaming experience for everyone wanting to attend Gen Con in Indianapolis this year but are unable to.

VRazeTheBar has partnered with Gen Con - the largest and longest running gaming convention in North America - to provide an awesome interactive social gaming experience built on Linden Lab's Enterprise/Education version of Second Life, the world's largest user-created virtual world of its kind enjoyed by millions of people around the globe.


The event will take place over the course of four days from Thursday July 30 to Sunday August 2. The entrance to the four sim inworld location is in Welworn (97/224/97). For more information, one can check out, and watch the Lab Gab tomorrow, Friday July 24,  at 11 AM SL time when Strawberry Linden interviews Alesia (AlesiaPM) and Ron (RCArchitect) about this ambitious effort to bring a large gaming convention to Second Life.

(Click Here if the video fails to play)

Bixyl Shuftan

Hat tip: Inara Pey, Oldesoul Eldemar