
Friday, November 6, 2020

Veteran's Tribute Returns


Veterans Day, known as Remembrance Day in Europe, will be coming soon. And the Second Life Veteran's Tribute is back in the virtual world.

Welcome to the 14th Annual SL Veteran’s Tribute for 2020.  This is the 14th annual Veteran’s Tribute that we have put together.

The Tribute itself is non-political and serves one purpose and one purpose only and that is to honor all the men and women that have given willing of their time to protect the lives we enjoy today.

The goal of the Tribute is to provide a non-political, content filled, educational, interactive SIM inside Second Life where men and women of all walks of life can visit and provide remembrance and honor to those who have served in the Armed Services.

The tribute operates on a zero dollar budget and are non-profit; the entire tribute is built, funded, organized and executed on a purely volunteer basis. We have an organized group on SL called the “SL Veteran’s Tribute” if you would like to look it up.  This group will be used as the basis of our planning and scheduling for the Tribute.

The Tribute opened on Halloween, and is scheduled to remain open until November 17. As before, there are a number of exhibits around, such as Battleship Beach and the Canadian Memorial. The largest of these is the Memorial Wall, which is made up of bricks representing a soldier whom served (or occasionally a group) either from a recent conflict or one from the past. A few, such as Lothi Aeon, have been residents of Second Life. 

There is a stage, and so far there have been events most days the Tribute has been open. But there doesn't seem to be a set schedule, so to keep track of when musicians play and other announcements, one can join the SL Veteran’s Tribute group. At the stage was a sign for the Fearless Nation PTSD support group. People have also been invited to contribute to the Tribute's Flickr page, "Share your pictures with us we want to see it through your eyes!"

The Veterans Tribute is located at WideWorld Vezuvio (121/127/22).

Bixyl Shuftan

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