
Thursday, March 31, 2022

At the VWBPE


It's the first day of the Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education conference, or VWBPE. Despite real-life nipping at my heels, the lag, and the crashing, I was able to catch a little of the Keynote and talk with Patch Linden. There's many other discussions, so come on over and see things for yourself.

To check the schedule, Click Here -

Youtube -

March 31 – April 2, 2022
Bixyl Shuftan

Memorial Service for JasElm Mertel


A number of things in real life can cause someone's journey in Second Life to end temporarily such as finances, military deployment, and illness. But one thing can end it permanently: death. Sadly, JasElm Mertel passed away earlier this month. She had friends in a number of places, including the Safe Waters Foundation. The mermaid community responded by hosting a memorial service in her honor.

Read the story in People.

Announcement: Relay Rap April 3rd - "When A Survivor Loses The Fight"


On April 3rd, Relay Rap addresses a difficult subject, 'When A Survivor Loses The Fight'

It is an unfortunate reality in Relay For Life that we lose friends and loved ones to cancer.

Join us as a panel of caregivers share their stories and experiences and provide their unique insight into this complex and sensitive topic.

Hear how they dealt with the loss of their loved one.
Find out how we all can better support those who are grieving.
Learn how the American Cancer Society provides support for those faced with end of life situations due to cancer.

Expected guests:
Tara Tisane
Eclair Martinek
Ethy Dragoste Firehawk-Knight
Sabrina Rhodes

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Cartoon of the Day: "No, I'm Not Marvin."


From the Sunbeamer Moon Dance. Someone showed up as a "Mars Attacks" alien. In the dark sci-fi comedy, the skull-faced Martians seemed practically unbeatable, until someone happened to come across one as it heard a certain Slim Wittman song

By Bixyl Shuftan


VWBPE Conference Starts Tomorrow


In every culture, from China in the east to the Indigenous cultures in the west, the phoenix as a symbol of hope and renewal is ubiquitous across the ages. Whether it is referred to as Feng Huang, Garuda, Ho-Oo, Bennu or the Quetzal bird, in every case the phoenix ushers in an era of prosperity and transformation that goes beyond the individual to encompass our home and surroundings.

The world is forever a changed place. Those in education find themselves on the front lines of how the next generation of students are going to perceive and integrate a post-COVID society into opportunities for growth, for renewal, and for a redefinition of the values that once drove us.

The past two years have represented a global case study in real time of the merits and limitations of virtual education: what works, and what doesn’t. Educators have immersed themselves in online learning methodologies that have been mostly talked about but never implemented on a wide scale until recently. There is now a plethora of real-world evidence supporting the practical application of teaching virtually that we have never truly had access to until now.

Like the newly reborn phoenix arising from the ashes of its previous life, virtual education is also experiencing a renaissance of abundance and transformation. Whether it be fully immersive or simple video conferencing, the practical application of tools and techniques over the past two years represents a wealth of inspiration for connecting teachers and students in ways that are comprehensive, progressive, and meaningful.

Join Us: March 31 – April 2, 2022

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The VWBPE 2022


In just a few days on Thursday March 31, the Virtual Worlds Best Pracitces in Education, or the VWBPE, event will be taking place. This three day conference in Second Life is filled with various discussions centered around using virtual worlds for the purpose of education.  But there is more. There are more social events and even a game to relax. And there will most likely be a meeting with the Lindens in which they'll have an announcement. Among the volunteers for the event is Gemma Cleanslate, whom has a few things to say about it.

Read Gemma's article in Events.

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, The Fallout Shelter, and Furry Fashion Lounge


Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay clubs, The Fallout Shelter, and the Furry Fashion Lounge.

Club Cutlass: Best in "M", Good or Bad, Sexy Red

Happy Vixen: Winter and Spring, Blue and Yellow, Swimsuits, April Fool, Madkatt Mashup, TBA, Frisky, Furred

Club Zero Gravity: TBA

Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: Black and White

Xanadu: DJ Christine, DJ Jesse

Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Furry Fashion Lounge:  CAYA, Scalies, Felines VS Canines, Cute vs Creepy, Late Night, Horns and Hooves

Deathlands Fallout Shelter:  DJ Wolfy, DJ Nafrini

Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'

Announcement: This Week at the Seanchai Libraries


THIS WEEK: Beginning year 15 with music, stories, and poetry - always presented live.  Join us for fun and adventure, this week.

Check out the stories and the storytellers! 

All events at Nowhereville (203/43/26) , unless otherwise noted.

Stories told in open voice unless otherwise noted. All times SL/PT

--------->> COMING THIS WEEK

**TUESDAY, March 29th:
   ~ at NOON: RUSSELL EPONYM, Live in The Glen

   ~ at 7pm: POETRY THIS YEAR with Caledonia Skytower.
**THURSDAY, March 30th, at 7pm: THURSDAY NIGHT SCIENCE FICTION presented by Finn Zeddmore.


Scenes From Bellisseria


From Treeowatoor on Bellisseria. In a beachside pub/hangout, I came across this sign. It was supposed to say "Please do not feed or tease the Moles." But someone underlined "do" and crossed out "not."

So which do we do?

By Bixyl Shuftan

Monday, March 28, 2022

Home and Garden Expo Raises Over $14,700 USD

The first of this year's Relay mega-events, the Home and Garden Expo, was a success. Over the course of the Expo, more than $14,711 US dollars worth of Lindens was raised

The 2022 Home & Garden Expo closed last week with a $14,711 USD in total donations - all going to fund the mission of the American Cancer Society. With 9 regions filled with exhibitors and a stage that featured multiple performers, the Expo gives the home and garden community in Second Life a chance to fight back against cancer in their own way. This event is the longest actively running event of its kind in the history of Second Life. Under Kaerri Rae’s guidance, the Expo has experienced a resurgence of activity and interest over the years.

But Kaerri Rae will not be directing things next year. Near the conclusion, she announced she would be stepping down as the Expo's coordinator.

It is with mixed emotions that i am announcing my retirement from the Home & Garden Expo organizing team.

It has been a pleasure working with you all over the last seven years but it is time to go and do other things for me now. (like possibly even make some new stuff for my store). 

Good luck and thank you all for all generosity you have shown over the years.

* * * * *

At the end of the Expo, Kaerri announced her retirement as the Home & Garden Expo’s coordinator and is ready to enjoy some much deserved personal time. “We are grateful for Kaerri’s commitment for so many years and we know that there will never be anyone quite like her,” says Stingray Raymaker, Director of the American Cancer Society in Second Life. Each year, Kaerri worked hard to improve areas of the Expo and connect its patrons to the mission of the American Cancer Society.

Being the coordinator of an event this size is no small undertaking. It requires countless hours of planning and organizing ideas and people over the course of many months. Like all of our mega event coordinators, Kaerri volunteered her time to this community and this event for so many years, never seeming to take a break. Stingray added, “When Kaerri messaged me to tell me that she’d decided that this would be her final year as the H&G Expo Coordinator, she assured me that she’d still be involved in the future because the cause and the community mean so much to her.”

Stingray would add this comment in Discord.

As the Director of the ACS in SL, I want to thank everyone involved in the Home & Garden Expo this year, and I'd like to thank you all for helping to raise over $14k usd this year...and thank you to Kaerri for her leadership all these years. I'm sure you all have already done so in your own way, but in case you havent, feel free to send Kaerri a quick thank you for coordinating the HG Expo for so many years.

For a link to the blog post in full, Click Here.

SL Video: "Virtual Cultures in Pandemic Times - Official Trailer"


From Draxtor Despres on March 26. "Since March 2020, Draxtor has been following UC Irvine Department of Anthropology researchers Tom Boellstorff, Evan Conaway, Chandra Middleton and Sandy Wenger around Animal Crossing and Second Life to find out how the COVID-19 pandemic is reshaping online interaction. 

In the film, protagonists from all over the world open up about their anxieties and everyday challenges during the last two years, and share what virtual worlds and social games mean to them in the context of a global health crisis. 

Many hours of mixed reality interviews, group discussions in Second Life and a comprehensive survey filled out by over 4000 players/residents provide the basis for a sprawling narrative. What emerges through participant observation is a mosaic of impressions, voices and worlds belonging to people from all walks of life, who are actively engaging in community building in the digital realm as they are trying to make sense of a new age dominated by uncertainty and physical isolation. 

The film premieres April 2nd right here on YouTube and in Second Life at Film Threat. More information = 

(This film has been made possible with support of the National Science Foundation, award number 2028560, “RAPID: The Role of Emerging Virtual Cultures in the Prevention of COVID-19 Transmission”)"

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Cartoon of the Day: Grabby Hands


Taken at the Happy Vixen St. Patrick's Party.

By Bixyl Shuftan


Happy Birthday Oldesoul


Earlier this month on Tuesday March 8, the Relayers at the Home and Garden Expo had a celebration for one among them. It was the birthday in real-life for Oldesoul Eldemar. And at the performers' stage in Hope 1, Keeba Tammas and the Tiny Maniacs, along with some friends, held the event in his honor, complete with some "Happy Birthday" signs, notably the large one on stage.

Oldesoul, whom occasionally takes the form of a tiny himself, joined the fun, getting a guitar and hopping on stage.

It was a fun time for all.

Go Relay!

Bixyl Shuftan

Announcement: Seanchai Library Celebrates 14 Years


Seanchai Library Celebrates 14 Years
Sunday, March 27th
from 2 to 4 pm slt/pacific

It was March of 2008 when the first story was told, and fourteen years later we are still sharing stories, poems, and enthusiastically starting out on new adventures in literature. Join the Seanchai Library staff and friends for two hours of stories, poetry,songs  and remembrances as we celebrate in Ceiliúradh Glen, whose very name means "celebration" in Irish.

Featuring Corwyn Allen, Shandon Loring, Elrik Merlin, Faerie Maven-Praloy, R. Dismantled, Ktadhn Vesuvino, Finn Zeddmore, Aoife Lorefield, Kayden Oconnell, and Caledonia Skytower, live.

Teleport from the main landing point, or take a leisurely stroll down the stone path to The Glen.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Tempura Island Closing


Some sad news. After fourteen years in operation, The Tempura Island sim is closing. The announcement was given in the sim's group.

After such a long journey of 14 years traveling together in Second life, we made hard decision to close TEMPURA sim.

When opening TEMPURA we could never imagined that will last for so long time. TEMPURA touched so many hearts and bring amazing memories to everyone and for that we are deeply glad.

With humbleness and huge grateful we Thank you, to each of you who ever admired, loved and healed,

Tempura is a SIM of love! We say Bye to you, but it's a Welcoming of a new beginning.

May Buddha full your hearts with love and happiness!

Dropping by, I found the area quite picturesque. While it is Japanese-owned, not everything is Japanese-themed. Tempura's largest structure is the palace in the north, which has a large dance ballroom, and a number of places and private rooms for couples. The south had a wooded area, partially green and partially autumn red and orange. In between was a circle of meditation pillows and a tai-chi practice area, both of which were being used when I dropped by at close to midnight SL time. There's plenty to explore, including a few hidden areas.

The sim does have a blog,, which has a description at the beginning of how things got started in 2008

No date has been given for the sim's closing.

To drop by, head to .

Bixyl Shuftan

RFL Announcement: "Roma Pro Vita Presents ... Togas!"


Team ACTS and Roma Pro Vita invites you to go back in time to Imperial Rome, to celebrate the beginning of Spring!  Arrive at our glorious Circus Maximus and tempt Fate by participating in chariot races.  Will you crash?  Or will you cross the finish line to win glory and the admiration of the Empress herself?

After the racing, ascend the stairs behind the VIP seating to the Gardens of Macenas and the Imperial Palace, where we have a grand feast prepared for you.
Circus Maximus Hippodrome

SL Video: "Bad Girls"


(Click here if the video does not play)

From Nydia Tungsten on March 22, "I got to listening to 'Bad Girls' and decided to do a video so here is what I thought it would look like, I would like to thank all my models and dancers that helped me put this together, this is the longest song we have do so it took much longer than we were used to, but we got it, and we hope you enjoy it, PLEASE feel free to leave a comment, since we don't do this for money, we do it for likes and comments so feel free!"

Friday, March 25, 2022

Followup Interview With DJ Snowy


Due to real-life, Penny Shuftan will be taking what she hopes will be a short break from writing articles. But just in case she has to stop for a while, she wanted to interview one of the Sunweaver's notable DJs, one more time: Snowy AngelBun Lefavre (Skylark Lefavre). Snowy had more things to say about what she does as a DJ, and other things in Second Life.
Read Penny's interview in People.

New Firestorm Update Released


A few days ago on Tuesday March 22, Jessica Lyon of Team Firestorm announced the release of their latest version on their blog: She would also announce it in their inworld group.

A new update with some GAME CHANGING FEATURES!
Grab it before the servers cook!

Firestorm is finally in the wind! Wow—it’s been a struggle to get this one out, folks. But the wait is worth it, as this release comes with a couple of groundbreaking new features we’re really excited about. It also brings us to parity with LL’s 6.5.2, quite a jump from our last release, which was AGES ago. This is a major update.

As stated, this latest update brings Firestorm up to parity with Linden Lab's latest viewer, and there's two notable new features. One is the option to take 360 Snapshots, which Marcel Mosswood wrote about last month when it was in a test viewer

Another noted feature is the Performance Floater and Autotune, which can help in telling you what around you is causing the most lag.

The Performance Floater shows you in real-time what parts of the scene are taking the most time and slowing down your graphics (lag). In particular, this first release focuses on avatars and allows you to see which avatars are truly lagging you, and also allows you to examine your own attachments to see how they perform.

The FS Performance Floater is loosely based upon a project viewer from LL, released last June. We have completely revised the metrics behind the floater to make sure that it offers a realistic account of the rendering costs that you personally observe.

Autotune. This is the first look at this new feature. Wholly developed by Beq Janus, Autotune allows the viewer to automatically manage some of your graphics settings in order to give you the performance level that you request, and keep you there. It’s like autopilot for lag! You set the target FPS (frames per second) you want, and Autotune will do its best to keep you there by dynamically adjusting your settings from scene to scene! However, it cannot work miracles, if your computer is ancient—it can only do so much.

When TPing to a social island with a number of avatars most, of the viewer's time was spent drawing them. Clicking on avatars nearby will show how much processing time is spent on each. It also shows your avatar complexity in detail, how much time the avatar's parts are needing to render, It shows the impact of any HUDs on you, and a shortcut to looking at and edjusting your graphics settings.

There are known issues with the Mac and Linnux versions of the viewer. Also, the "Starlight Skins," an appearance option for Firestorm viewers (SL wiki link) will soon no longer be supported. 

As per their deal with Linden Lab, Firestorm will be blocked from accessing the Grid in three weeks.

Bixyl Shuftan

From the Forums: Steamcake?


In a thread in the Second Life forums discussing Steampunk as the theme of the upcoming SL19B, Fluffy Sharkfin would show this picture, saying, "So far the only theme related thing I've made is the 'steampunk cake'... it's steampunk cos it's gear shaped!"

This Saturday at The Science Circle

Saturday, March 26

    At 10 AM PST   

    Men & Women & Etc.
    Matt Burr

    At 9 PM PST
    Discussion led by Jes Stannard
    NOTE: Non-members required to register once
    IM Jes Cobalt or Nymf Hathaway

╚══════════════════════════════ The Science Circle (72,129,30) ═╝

Thursday, March 24, 2022

St. Patrick's Moon Dance


A week ago on March 17, Team Sunbeamers held their Moon Dance like most other Thursdays this Relay season. But as it was St. Patrick's Day, people got a surprise when landing there: the whole moonscape was green! Needless to say, there were a few jokes about the Moon being made of green cheese. 

Besides the Sunbeamers, other teams had members present, such as Purple Tears, Relay for Christ, and the popular "Roos With A Dream." 

The Sunbeamers Moon Dance is a BYOK (Bring Your Own Kiosk) that takes place every Thursday, from 6 to 8 PM SL time,  until the Relay Weekend. Cynthia Farshore is the DJ.

EOTB: Saffia Widdershins "In The Spotlight"


A few days ago on the Linden blog, someone familiar to SL media found herself "In The Spotlight" - Safia Widdershins.

This week we are shining a spotlight on Saffia Widdershins, a powerhouse woman that has years of promotional work under her belt, including an incredible job of hosting many award shows, pageants, talk shows, and more! 

Besides her first venture, Prim Perfect, Saffia branched out into the "Designing Worlds" show. She's also gotten into storytelling, notably "The Blackened Mirror." And has been involved in yearly events such as "One Billion Rising," and the Relay's Home and Garden Expo and the Fantasy Faire.

Read more in the Linden blog (here).

Press Release: Fantasy Faire 2022


* * Fantasy Faire 2022, April 21 – May 8* *

A Benefit for the American Cancer Society

Many Realms – One Vision.
Fantasy Faire 2022: Building a World Without Cancer

Since 2009, Fantasy Faire has been the largest gathering of fantasy designers, enthusiasts, role-players, and performers in the virtual world of Second Life®. It is also one of the most successful Relay For Life (RFL) fundraising teams worldwide. The 2021 Faire ranked 19th out of 5,000 RFL teams around the globe. Over its fourteen years, the Faire has raised close to $530,000 US Dollars, or over L$133,250,000 Linden Dollars.

For the past five years, the Faire has dedicated its fundraising efforts to the American Cancer Society’s (ACS) global service and support programs, including the recently launched project BEACON (Building Expertise, Advocacy, and Capacity for Oncology Navigation).

A partnership with nine health institutions and organizations in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America, BEACON builds on the success of similar ACS programs in the US and elsewhere. The project answers the call from healthcare professionals and cancer patients in those areas for life-saving information that can dramatically increase survival rates. “Fantasy Faire is one of the cornerstones of our vital work,” says Kristie McComb, Managing Director of Global Capacity Development and Patient Support at the ACS. “It’s an inspiring example of a global community working together to address a global challenge.”

The Faire has long been considered the premier annual shopping event for fantasy-themed merchandise in Second Life, showcasing fantasy avatars, clothing, furnishings, gadgets, and exclusive items by 250 of the grid’s top fantasy creators. In addition, Faire visitors enjoy dance and theater performances; attend auctions, art galleries, and a Literary and Film Festival; and share in an interactive quest and roleplaying events and classes.

Fantasy Faire Radio provides the soundtrack for visitors exploring the Fairelands, featuring music from blockbuster fantasy films along with a rich variety of world music traditions. A second radio station, “Live at the Fairechylde” features DJs spinning an upbeat, eclectic mix of tracks including classic rock, club music, jazz, blues, and pop hits. In 2021, more than 30,000 unique listeners tuned in from over 150 countries around the world.

It all comes to life again this year when the Fairelands return on April 21st. “I’m always deeply moved that a realm made of ones and zeros has become home to a global community capable of affecting positive change for all humankind” says Elizabeth Tinsley, Executive Director of Fantasy Faire. “It doesn’t stop at the border between the virtual and the physical. In fact, that’s where the real magic truly starts.”

Fantasy Faire 2022 will be open to the public April 21 – May 8. The SLurl to the event will be found on the website on our opening day. We welcome you to come and join the story.

Fantasy Faire 2022 is made possible by the generous support of our Region and Event Sponsors, all of whom you can learn more about on the Faire’s website. For more information please contact one of the Faire coordinators:

Are you or a loved one battling cancer? Find out how many ways the American Cancer Society is there to help. Visit or call (US) 800-227-2345.

RFL in SL:

American Cancer Society SLurl:

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Reader Submitted: My Cancer Journey ( Still Outgoing )


Recently Alysabelle Resident sent in a reader submitted story about a very personal story. It was about a year and a half ago in which doctors gave her some bad news. She had come down with cancer. It was a difficult journey, one she wasn't sure she could go through. But she had some people she could turn to. Among them are some here in Second Life.

Read Alysabelle's reader submission in People.

SL19B Update: SLB Sims on Map


For those wondering when the Second Life Birthday sims will appear on the map, they already are. On the map are 18 sims labeled SLB. Fourteen have names from SLB Astonish to SLB Wonderous. Four are simply called "SLB Planning 1,2,3, and 4." They are in two separate groups, with the Planning sims in a smaller one to the southeast, with unnamed water border sims near the main group.

As to where they're located, they're far from the main groups of private sims, and very far to the southwest of the mainlands. Access is of course blocked to regular residents.

It's unknown when they'll get the name SL19B, or open to exhibitors. Last year, the sims were broken up into groups until just before the event, with exhibitors not being able to see much more than the sim their build in the days before the opening. 

Stay tuned for further details. 

Bixyl Shuftan

Press Release: March 2022 Homes For Our Troops Benefit


Frets Nirvana and US Military Veterans Group announce 2022’s March benefit for Homes For Our Troops in Second Life for March 27, 2021!  

Frets Nirvana, longtime supporter and contact for Homes For Our Troops in Second Life in conjunction with the US Military Veterans Group, announces the 2022 March benefit for the Veterans Support Organization Home For Our Troops at Veteran’s Isle .

Frets Nirvana states:  “HFOT is a privately funded 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization building specially adapted, mortgage-free homes nationwide for the most severely injured Veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan. Most of these Veterans are multiple amputees, paraplegic, quadriplegic or suffered severe traumatic brain injury (TBI).  Since its inception in 2004, nearly 90 cents of every dollar spent by Homes for Our Troop has gone to directly support Veterans. DURING THAT TIME HFOT HAS BUILT 324 SPECIALLY ADAPTED HOMES NATIONWIDE FOR EXTREMELY INJURED VETERANS.”

In 2021 the community in Second Life sent  over $21,000 to Homes For Our Troops, thanks to many kind hearts and great Second Life performers. That was a 40% increase over 2020’s donations of over $15,000.

15 Veterans and their families received the keys to their forever homes in 2021 and the donations received in Second Life were part of that effort. Currently HFOT has 73 projects underway for extremely wounded veterans.  

Home for Our Troops benefit concerts feature premier Second Life talent monthly at Veteran’s Isle. The March 27 concert for 2022 is scheduled from 4pm to 9 pm PST. Featured artists will be DJ Waya Snowpaw, Zachh Cale, Erin and Satin, Noma Falta and Grace Loudon dual streaming with Wes west.

Sponsored by Frets Nirvana and the U.S. Military Veteran’s Group of Second Life.  To learn more about Homes for Our Troops visit

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, The Fallout Shelter, and Furry Fashion Lounge


Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay clubs, The Fallout Shelter, and the Furry Fashion Lounge.

Club Cutlass: Best in "K & L ", Sunny Colors, Farm Life

Happy Vixen: African Plains, Class and *ss, Wings and Tails, Ears and Tails, Madkatt Mashup, TBA, Intimate Wear, Domesticated

Club Zero Gravity: TBA

Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: Games

Xanadu: DJ Christine, DJ Jesse

Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Furry Fashion Lounge:  Beach Party, Wings, Video Games, Canines, Late Night, Retro

Deathlands Fallout Shelter:  DJ Wolfy, DJ Nafrini

Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'.

Mystery Colored SSP Sims On Map


On the map, there's a group of sims, some unnamed, the majority labeled SSP, on the map, far north of the mainlands.  

The sims are not in a single group, but in four clumps, colored purple, green, black, and red. 

It's possible these siims will eventually be part of some expansion of the Bellisseria area, but their planned function is unknown.

So what is SSP short for? In one town hall meeting with residents, one Linden commented that it stood for "super secret project."

Stay tuned for more information.

Bixyl Shuftan

Monday, March 21, 2022

Interview With Ina Garnier, Producer at The Déjà vu Ballet Troupe


When it comes to what people can do in Second Life, ballet usually isn't the first thing that comes to most people's minds. But there have been dance performances here in the virtual world for many years. Our newest reporter, Michael (Bubblesort Triskaidekaphobia), recently interviewed Ina Garnier, the producer The Déjà vu Ballet Troupe. Ina talked about some of the challenges of doing a ballet show here in Second Life, including what they've done in response to events in Ukraine, where one of the dancers is from.
Read Michael's interview in Design.

RFL Home And Garden Events End


The events at the Relay For Life's Home and Garden Expo ended at 8PM Sunday night, March 20, with a fireworks show over the main stage in Hope 1. For over three weeks, the stage had seen many performers on stage, with other sims hosting auctions, discussions, contests, and of course shopping. 

Earlier at 4PM was the last of the Lantern Ceremonies, in honor of those lost in the battle with cancer. 

In the ceremonies, numerous paper lanterns floated to the sky (picture from Cynthia Farshore). 

Store (and media) owners were told, "We officially close at 11.59pm tonight. However the regions often remain for a couple days after official closing.  So if you want to leave things in place until the regions evaporate feel free to do so, but remember to take any no copy items from your display ASAP please."

And for those taking part, there was this little gift.

We are honored to have been involved with so many kind and generous people. Expo has, as always, been a wonderful experience and the beginning of many new friendships.  

Through all the hard work, dedication and generosity, you have all made this event so very special,  meaningful and a true example of what can be achieved through Second Life.

So from us all once again, thank you for all your efforts.

While the sims should be up for a couple more days for further shopping, the RFL Home & Garden Expo is over. But the Relay season goes on. The various Relay teams are having their events. And a month from now, the Fantasy Faire begins on Thursday April 21.

Go Relay!

Bixyl Shuftan

Flickr Limiting Adult Images To Paid Accounts, Limits on Private Images

A number of Second Life residents, notably content creators, have plenty of images on the Flickr photo service. So some may be affected by a couple changes last week, announced in the Flickr blog.

Today we’re announcing some upcoming changes to our Terms of Service that will help us continue to preserve the art, expression, history, stories, and memories of all Flickr members for the next hundred years. These changes fall into two distinct buckets, and will affect Flickr free members.

The first change is that adult images, or "restricted or moderate content," will be limited to paid accounts, or Flickr Pro members. And those with free accounts can no longer upload them without risk of deletion. "Moderate" is defined as partial nudity, such as bare breasts and bottoms. "Restricted" is defined as full-frontal nudity and sexual acts. It's up to users to label pictures as such. If a Flickr moderator finds a picture they see as incorrectly labeled, an account 's rating may be changed so it's not defined as safe.

The second change has to deal with pictures that can't be seen by just anyone, but are restricted in who can view them, or "non-public photos." Flickr is now limiting free accounts to fifty pictures with restrictions on who can see them. Those who have more without upgrading to a paid account risk having pictures deleted.

We love being entrusted with your photos—but we love seeing them get discovered, added to groups, and submitted to photo competitions even more. We’d never turn you away if you just want a safe place to store a lifetime’s worth of images, you’ll just need a Pro membership to do so.

Flickr Pro costs $8.25 USD per month, or $6 a month when billed annually ($72 a year), or $5.54 a month with a two year plan ($132.96 for two years).

Bixyl Shuftan

Announcement: This Week at the Seanchai Libraries


THIS WEEK: Lots of Sci-Fi this week - a new series and short stories - plus the conclusion of a storied adventure and our 14th anniversary.. Join us for fun and adventure, this week.

Check out the stories and the storytellers! 

All events at Nowhereville (203/43/26) , unless otherwise noted.

Stories told in open voice unless otherwise noted. All times SL/PT

--------->> COMING THIS WEEK

**MONDAY, March 21st at 7pm: Kody Boye's WHEN THEY SAW begins with Gyro Muggins.
**TUESDAY, March 22nd:
   ~ at Noon: RUSSELL EPONYM, Live in the Glen with music and stories

   ~ at 7pm: Salman Rushdie's HAROUN AND THE SEA OF STORES concludes with Caledonia Skytower.
**THURSDAY, March 24th, at 7pm: THURSDAY NIGHT SCIENCE FICTION presented by Finn Zeddmore.

COMING Sunday, March 27th: *VOLUME XIV* - Seanchai Library Celebrates 14 Years of Stories in Virtual Worlds


Sunday, March 20, 2022

Cartoon of The Day: Drunk as A What?


Taken at Club Cutlass. Yes, the expression is "drunk as a skunk." But what creature outdoes all the others on Earth when it comes to getting plastered?

By Bixyl Shuftan


RFL Team Sunbeamers Reach 500,000L, Jade Level


On Saturday evening, March 19, the Relay for Life's Team Sunbeamers reached a milestone. It crossed the 500,000 Linden dollar mark, and into Jade level among the teams. 

[2022/03/19 18:08] Bixyl Shuftan: Sunbeamer total, 500,000 L
[2022/03/19 18:08] Lady ƙRen 'Jinx' Flow (Ren Float): yay!
[2022/03/19 18:08] Rita Mariner: Good News Sunbeamers just made JADE!
[2022/03/19 18:08] Alison Flow: woot beamers!!
[2022/03/19 18:08] Sienna (Sienna Thor): Yayyy Sunbeamers!!!
[2022/03/19 18:09] Nance Clowes: edge goes to whichever team can dance like oompa loompas
[2022/03/19 18:09] Arizona Ballinger-Whiplash (Arizona Ballinger): woot Sunbeamers
[2022/03/19 18:09] Lady ƙRen 'Jinx' Flow (Ren Float): LOL

I'd earlier spoken when reached Jade, I'd change into a green avatar. I'd done a green fennec for St. Patricks. But maybe something different this time.

[2022/03/19 18:09] Bixyl Shuftan: Okay, Green Bilby for the rest of the night
[2022/03/19 18:09] Bixyl Shuftan: Snowy calls it "Bix Bilby"
[2022/03/19 18:09] Trader Whiplash-Ballinger (Trader1 Whiplash): WTG Beamers!
[2022/03/19 18:10] Bixyl Shuftan: (guess which actor that's a tribute to?)
[2022/03/19 18:10] Trader Whiplash-Ballinger (Trader1 Whiplash) shakes his head
[2022/03/19 18:11] Bixyl Shuftan: "Bix Bilby" is a play on Bill Bixby. He was Dr. Bruce Banner
[2022/03/19 18:11] Kitty Gumbo (Prettykitty Gumbo): Hulk 

I would post a link to the picture above to RFL volunteer chat.

[2022/03/19 18:30] Sienna (Sienna Thor): Lookin' good Bix!!!
[2022/03/19 18:31] Bixyl Shuftan: Thank you :)

So that was the night my Relay team hit half a million. Next stop, Sapphire. Can we get to Emerald, when I have to own up to another promise when we cross a million Linden dollars? We'll find out soon.

Go Sunbeamers! Go Relay!

Bixyl Shuftan

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Last Weekend For The Home and Garden Expo


After almost a month, the Relay for Life's Home and Garden Expo is winding down. Tomorrow will be the last day of events. The sims and their shops will probably be up a few days longer, though there are always those who pull out right away.So be sure to stop by.

"Building a cancer-free world together."

Celebration of Life For JasElm Mertel, Saturday 11:30am


We are calling for anyone who knows or respects all the happiness within Second Life - we invite you to come together with us to celebrate and dance in honor of  one very joyful lady who has passed JasElm Mertel.

It is a memorial celebration as we know she'd want the waters to stay upbeat and hopeful for our future.

Who can resist??  Let us celebrate together Saturday!
11:30 am SLT

Where:  Safe Waters Foundation Chat Pavilion   -    Union Passage (58,236,2)

Theme will be Viking