
Thursday, April 4, 2024

Reader Submitted: April Fool At Club Cutlass

 Pictures from Rita Mariner (top two) and Cynthia Farshore (second two). At the party at Club Cutlass on Wednesday April 3, there was a surprise for community leader Rita Mariner and the others. The club had been painted pink.

 April Fool's Day might have been Monday, but for the club, it had to wait a couple of days.

 Rita remarked, "I see someone was ill, at cutlass, they spilled 'pepto bismol' everywhere," then gagged at the color.

 Cynthia's response was to say the movie at Feral Theater on Sunday would be Operation Petticoat. 
Club Cutlass is at Sunweaver Bay (114/117/757), and has events Wednesday, Fridays, and Saturdays 6 to 8PM. SL time. 

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