
Friday, May 10, 2024

EOTB: Linden Lab Comments About "Updates to Child Avatar Policy"


The decision to update the child avatar policy was not made lightly. It involved weeks of meticulous discussion and coordination across various departments at Linden Lab, with the Governance team at the forefront. Our goal was to balance the diverse needs and expressions of our community with the necessity to maintain a safe and respectful environment for all users. This delicate balance reflects our commitment to providing freedom of expression while ensuring that Second Life remains a welcoming space for everyone.

By taking these thoughtful steps, we are committed to enhancing our community's experience, ensuring that Second Life continues to be a platform where creativity and expression can flourish within a framework that respects and protects every resident.

People were invited to go to the Governance User Group meeting that day. When I checked, the sims were full.  We may see a recording of it later.
To see the Linden blog post in full, Click Here.  

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