
Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Breaking News: Zorro Wuramunga Has Died

There was some sad news from Rita Mariner to the members of the Sunweaver community today. Zorro Wuramunga had passed away. 


It is with a heavy heart I must report on the death of Zorro. Shockwave Yareach asked the local police to do a welfare check, on Zorro. The police found him dead, in his apartment. That is all we know, at present.

Zorro had last logged in on April 21. He had been a resident of Second Life since December 2007.

Zorro was best known in the Sunweaver community, of which he had been with for about fifteen years. He often acted a bit cantankerous. But had a sense of humor and was willing to take a joke, sometimes joking himself. He would often have a fishing game rod in his hand, giving him the nickname "The fisher fox." He would send the Newser a couple reader submissions, and be in a number of screenshot cartoons. He was also in the Relay for Life's Passionate Redheads team, and then the Sunbeamers.

Over a year ago, Zorro was injured in a car accident. He wasn't quite the same afterwards. It's possible that contributed to his passing. We don't know. 

His profile was largely blank, except for, "So long, and thanks for all the fish."

Rest in peace.

Bixyl Shuftan

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