
Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Rededication Ceremony At The Vietnam Wall

 On June 15 at Noon SL time, high above the Veterans Isle sim, there was a rededication event at the recently moved Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Suta Northman led a short ceremony. A number of others, mostly in Veteran groups, were also there. People took a little time to recongize the contributions of Veterans, and the sacrifices they made. 

There was a black box covering something for the first part of the ceremony. Then in the middle of it, the cover was removed, revealing a plaque and picture of the late Cy Cyberstar. Suta announced that the memorial would officially be renamed after him. Cy was once in charge of the group behind the Vietnam Memorial, passing away a few years ago. 

As 1PM approached, singer AustinMoore came by with his dancers. The girls included Netera Landar, who wrote for the Newser years ago, and Talia Sunsong a writer and artist the Newser interviewed. Last but not least was Sandy Hauster

The Memorial Wall can be visited in Veterans Isle. Suta explained the reason for the move was they could no longer to play for a sim to house it. 

Bixyl Shuftan

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