
Friday, June 28, 2024

Second SL21B Town Hall, Video And Summary

 Wednesday January 26 was the second of the Town Hall events at the Second Life Birthday this week. Patch Linden, the VP of Product ad Marketing, was the most prominent. Others on stage were Keira Linden, the Support Operations Manager, Product Operations Manager Derrick Linden, and Creative Producer Izzy Linden. Besides Vic Morrington (link), it was also filmed by Pantera Polnocy (link), whose video had a side window for local text chatter.
On Linden Homes, Patch stated there was a Premium-Plus Linden home under development, though didn't mention the theme. Later in the Second Life forums, he would ask for suggestions. Patch also stated a phasing out of older Linden Homes was desired, but as of now there was no timetable for it.  Someone asked if two Premium-level Linden homes for Premium Plus residents was an option. Patch stated it could be done, but wouldn't be any time soon as it would reduce the number of Linden Homes available. 

Someone asked if the continent of Zindra could be connected to the others via water sims. Patch answered that was an option for the future, but it couldn't happen anytime soon.
It was asked what was being done about hate speech "from far right groups." Kiera Linden answered they were doing what they could, relying on inworld abuse reports, "It's difficult to keep up because there's lots of corners of the world that don't pop up very often."

The idea of shared accounts for businesses was brought up, which came up earlier this month in the Second Life forums when a merchant stated he had been relying on one, even though it was against the terms of service and Linden Lab cracking down was making it difficult for his store to function. Patch stated while he could understand why merchants would use shared accounts, the ban on this was for good reasons, that there was the clear ability for an account's Linden dollars to be stolen and the inventory deleted, and that access to one's account had the potential for exposure or real-life financial bank and credit card information, "it has the ability to throw your money out the window, and do damage .... empty into the trash can kind of damage. ... We're as protective of your accounts as we can be. " Plus there was the possibility of a business relationship to sour and turn hostile. Still, Patch stated they were open to change and perhaps something could be worked out in the future. 

The question of content theft in sales came up. Kiera Linden stated it can be tricky when two people come to them saying they're both the original creator of something, and the best solution for people was to continue to file DMCA reports. 

Also asked about was Linden Labs' relationships to charities, ensuring the money goes where it's supposed to. Patch answered there were two levels. The first included recognized charities that had long run in Second Life such as the American Cancer Society and the Michel J. Fox Foundation. The second level was "individuals who are interested in raising funds," saying they were limited in what they could do to help other than list events on the Destination Guide, but did "verify any past fundraisers they have done."

It was asked if there will be multiple partner lines for those in "poly" relationships. Patch talked about work on something allowing flexibility "Yes, but we don't have a timeline. ... It is something that has gotten attention."

Someone asked about land barons supposedly grabbing up Bellisserian land. Patch answered, "This is actually fascinating to hear. We just need to be aware who is doing it ... you cannot sublease parcels. If someone is going so, we'd like to hear about it, File an abuse report."

It was also asked will there be Lifetime Premium Accounts? Patch's answer was a tease, "I don't know, you'll have to come tot he Mole Town Hall to Find out. ... the number 21 might be involved."

Also asked about was a video option for abuse reports, making unclaimed Mainland more easily available to residents, making voice to text and text to voice servers "it's being worked on," the electric vehicle offered as a prize in the SL20B, which was won in a state the winner was able to claim anonymously, handling the accounts of deceased friends and relatives, and others.

There were also some comical comments, such as Patch musing there would be a tollway road through the continents, charging residents money as they drove through it, what was the favorite pizza of the Lindens, and "How many Moles does it take to screw in a light bulb."

The Town Hall events go on to Friday June 28, and the last Meet the Lindens event is the Community Roundtable on Monday July 1 at 11:30 AM SL time, also at the Aquatorium. 

Bixyl Shuftan

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