
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Endangered Numbakulla Sim Saved, For Now

I recently read on Daniel Voyager's Blog that another sim had closed down: Numbakulla. It was described as a first-class puzzle game sim, reminding him and others of the classic computer game "Myst."

Daniel referenced the SL Universe Forums, which described the place as closing down due to lack of finances. But reading on, I found some good news. Calanris Pendragon announced people had been sending her donations, so the place would stay for at least one more month.

And dropping by the sim, it was still up and running. By the entrance, I found a sign:

Reprieved for a month

Due to the kindness of some generous donors, the tier for the next month is paid and Numbakulla can stay open for the next few weeks.

I am trying to find a way to keep it for the future. Thank you for your support.

Calandris and the Numbakulla Project Team.

From what I read, this looks like a great place. A review will be written on it later, but I feel I can recommend those whom like to explore even only a small amount come on over.

Bixyl Shuftan

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