
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Agape Prayer Garden

In the Christian faith this is a solemn week , Holy Week , the week before Easter Sunday. It is a time of prayer and reflection on the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. I found a lovely place to meditate . It is called Agape Prayer Garden in the Ebony Paradise sim.

Naeico Swansong-Bluebird built the place for just this purpose. Agape, from the Greek means love , especially God’s love for humankind. She said,” This is a place of peace, where God's Word flows fluently thru prayer & worship. I encourage you to take advantage of this wonderful place to access the presence of God. All are welcome here & we do ask that everyone is mindful of others.Always be blessed in the Lord, AGAPE!“

There is gospel music playing all day and night. You are encouraged to leave a prayer request if you like. The garden is lovely and peaceful. It is certainly an enticing location to walk around and enjoy the lovely flowers and plants, or to just sit and reflect. If you would like to receiver daily thoughts there is a group you are invited to join. That way you can be notified of Bible Studies and prayer services when they are held. Right now there is a tomb that is empty to remind us that on Easter Sunday Jesus rose from the dead.

Visit and see.

Gemma Cleanslate


  1. What a peaceful place to worship the Lord. Naeico and family have created a wonderful place and atmosphere for us to worship God in our Second Life also. Please visit and join her group for updates and events. Keep up the good work Naeico.

    Onyx Yiwama

  2. Thank Goodness for this wonderful Place..Here You Can Come And Sit in the beauty of GOD's Presence and among friends and Believers of CHRIST JESUS!!!! We as christians have a place to come and enjoy on sl!! Love to you Naeico!! And all the Believers of Agape prayer Garden always open to us to come and just sit if we choose!!

