
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Relay Weekend: "360,000 Thanks"

Looking back at the Relay Weekend, here's a few words from Relayer Bain Finch.

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Wasn't that just the most amazing 24 hours, ever?

I found myself fixated in the Volunteers and Lands group chats today, just reading the out pouring of one's profound emotions moments and expressing of their thanks to everyone involved.

And going well beyond the obvious faces, names and voices of Relay, but to people that worked tiredly in obscurity. The individuals that stepping in to fill a void. The linden's were impressively thanks as well, as they were out there working long hours trouble shooting the chaos of Relay, and they were noticed by some, and others openly shared that appreciation.

There are a good many individuals out there, that must be completely spent from their efforts. Charlene, Nikki, MamaP, Dwen, Stingray and Trader are the obvious leaders to the legions of others under their wings. The mentors, Teams R Us Survivors/Caregivers, Outreach, Event, Design, Sponsorship and PR committees and their legions. I would like to see that list of everyone that held a committee position this year, I bet it is extensive. And then the Special Events people that work in concert with Relay of Second Life but are not part of Relay.

And then there are THE TEAMS! Team Captains, Co-Captains and their membership and supporters and individuals. We have shared many a laughs, great times. And many very real moments and tears, when life rears its ugly head. You are Relay. You are that <<>>

All the Sponsors of Relay and the Sponsors of Relay Teams, that participate at ever level Relay. They pay for us to do what we do. Please show your appreciation by visiting their shops all year long.

Yet another group of people that work constantly of our benefit are the media people: Streamed, Voiced and Written. This group of folk are a little different. They work year round. Again this Relay season the main media groups in Second Life –, Metaverse Broadcasting, Metaworld Broadcasting, Pookymedia and Prim Perfect are came together to put out a twenty-four hour telethon in support of Relay for Life, which will include news, interviews, and special events and streamed that inworld and online.

These same good people also covered all our mains events, right from Kick-Off, to the Fashion Fair, on and on, along with another legion of Bloggers, Tweeters, Facebook and so forth. These people do this year round and lend their support and move on to other stories, along with their followers and supporters, sponsors and so forth.

Going a level further, there are all the people, our real life family, our real life friends, co-workers and associates that give us support in this. Letting you book time off for this, covering you shift maybe, or the thousands of ways they support you and this.

I know I have missed a major group of people, because it just too daunting of a task to summarize everyone.

Just like it is just too daunting to summarize my appreciations for all the big and little things, that every single one of us have done in this.

The very best way I can think is, for each one of us, needs to take a step back, take what you are feeling right now, and thank yourself with that thanks.

Bain Finch

From the RFL in SL Blog

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