
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wounded Warrior Benefit Raises over 180,000 Lindens

On Sunday evening, June 30th, people gathered at Veterans Isle for the monthly Wounded Warrior fundraising concert. Organized by Frets Nirvana, he and two other musicians, Chris Quan and Dirtydee Sweetwater performed for the crowd from 6 to just after 9PM SL time.

Chris Quan performed first for the crowd at 6PM. Frets Nirvana stepped onto the stage at 7. It was eight in the evening when Dirtydee Sweetwater got on stage, and the Lindens slowly accumulated. Frets made a promise to the crowd. If 150,000L was raised, he would donate an extra 25,000L.

By 8:48, they had collected 111,000L. As the minutes ticked, it didn't raise much more, and with five minutes to go, they were still 39,000 short. Then a few more people began plunking in larger amounts. This included a resident named Edd Thor who stepped in with a massive donation that brought cheers when people realized how much it was, Frets going, "Wow Ed! Thank you!" GJackie Winkler, whom had been greeting people as they came in, blurted, "Wow Edd, you are so wonderful! Thank you, thank you so very much!!" Her attention then turned to the crowd, "Come everyone, show Edd how wonderful you all can be! He just brought us up from 111,000 to the 150K we needed to get the extra 25K." Edd's response was simple, "I am glad to be part of this."

Frets then made good on his promise, "150K! Folks, I am putting in my 25K. ... Ed just donated big time folks. That is very very kind." He then made an announcement in group chat, "OK folks ..Ed has led the way ...let's see how much more we can get ...please think about it ..we could not be here doing this withotu our vets and their sacrifice ...please dig in and give what you can..." At one point it was suggested that they keep Dirtydee playing one more song for every 1,000 more raised. But he was out of tunes. The final total was 181,500 Lindens. Frets and GJackie thanked everyone for their donations.

The Wounded Warrior Project is a nonprofit group devoted to "honor and empower wounded warriors" of the US Military. The Project's objective is to provide tangible support for the severely wounded and help them on the road to healing, both physically and mentally." Brought into Second Life, for many months the events were held at Patriot Island before they were moved to Veterans Isle.

Bixyl Shuftan

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