
Friday, January 17, 2014

Dawn of Radiance

I am still visiting regions that are celebrating the winter season either with the winter sports , or , just for the love of presenting the season itself. Silvermoon Fairey has allowed the winter snows and ice to be in her sim Dawn of Radiance. Quoting Silvermoon, silvermoon Fairey. 

“oh and winter comes
in all its cold iced beauty
covering the lands
in white sheets of new promises
a tale frozen in silent times
captured in frost, fragile and pure
waiting to awake by springs first call
but now is not the time
now it is time to slumber in chilled winters breath
to weave silently the words for this tale unheard
in freezing delights
of warm winters nights”  

 You can almost feel the frosty winds as you wander through the sim discovering places of interest. From the entrance you may pass several  ways , one leading to the beach , which for the moment is closed due to the weather, but go take a look. I wound around the outer limits and came to a light house, and a hill nearby with ruins reflected against the sky. Some vessels sit in the waves in the harbor and horses graze in the fields . From the entrance you can pass along a lane under snowy branches. This leads you by quaint buildings where you can stop and relax and admire the decor inside the homes by crackling fires. There are birds flying and small animals in the woods as you pass. 
At first I was wishing I could ride my horse but after walking the paths I was glad I could not not( no scripting ) . There is so much to see that I might have missed.  I came upon what I must call a gypsy camp from the looks of it.  Chicken roamed the camp clucking as they pecked at the ground. Take time to examine the items in the camp which are very realistic down to the tin tub set up for bathing. If you are feeling really lazy high on a hill I found a slide show with pictures of all the interesting places you can visit on the sim while sitting on a bench. This is definitely a sim you will love exploring. Here is the entrance.
Gemma Cleanslate

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