
Wednesday, May 14, 2014


By Theonlyjohnny Resident

Most people hear rentals and they think of a plot of land, for thousands of lindens a week. However that is not always the case. At Balanvi, the rentals are everything but pricey.

I know from experience. I have rented quite a few places in Second Life, but none of them compare to Balanvi. Not just in price, but in what you get with the price. In most cases, you either get what you pay for, or you get less than what you pay for. However with Balanvi, you get neither. You get more than what you pay for.

You not only get a good sized plot of land, but also get a fully furnished house. I paid L$ 299, for a week here, and I was amazed at what I received. The house could actually be changed, and not just between one or two others. I had a choice between the following numbers of houses,

40 General Rated Houses,
42 Mature Rated Houses,
54 Unfurnished Houses.

The sheer number of the houses to choose from was amazing, and even more amazing, instead of having to just move to a different piece of land, for a different house, you simply clicked a menu, chose your house, and it would rezz on your land. It was that simple, and easy. However it doesn't stop there. You also receive 100 prims to decorate the house however you like it.

Renting the house, is as easy as click and pay, actually, it is just click and pay. It is seriously that simple. All you do, is right click the mailbox, and pay it. If you pay for 4 weeks, you will receive a 10% discount, making it an even better deal.

As for the houses you can choose from, if you think they will be terrible, or they will all look a bit alike, don't worry, each house is completely different from the others. Each house is also amazing, and awesome looking.

When you first come to pick out a place, you should head to the mainstore. The mainstore is awesome, and it is where you will find which places are available. Take a look at all the places offered and then make your decision. Don't be afraid to come and take a look. It's an amazing sim. Even the owner is nice. He will help out, as soon as he can, and he isn't nasty, like some sim owners.

Even Balanvi's website is open and inviting. It has a help section, a place to look at the different houses, a section just about the referral system, and much much more. So take a look at the website too. /

As I stated above, there is a referral system. If you refer someone to the sim, and they rent a place, then you will earn 50% commission of the first payment. When you have successfully referred someone, you must fill out a referral form, otherwise how will the owner know you have referred someone? It is just that easy. It not only helps get the word out about Balanvi, it also earns you some lindens, and finds someone else a place to stay. It really is a win-win-win situation, which is rare.

All in all, if you're looking for an actually affordable place to live, then come and check out Balanvi. You will not be disappointed. I guarantee it.

Theonlyjohnny Resident



    There is the LM to the mainstore

  2. 300 a week is 1200 a month, I know Sunweavers were 800 a month when last I was around... hehehe

  3. Sunweavers is actually 250 a week with a 117 prim limit and as far as I can tell no home included so it seems IMHO balanvi would be a better deal for me.
