
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Reader Submitted: Tiny Sgt. Pepper Event

Last Saturday August 9, there was a musical tribute to the Beatles'  "Sgt. Pepper's" song done by the Pitter Patter Dance Troupe as a Parkinson's fundraiser for Team Fox.

DJ and club owner and manager Perri Prinz was there, and took a few pictures.

Anyone interested in seeing more can contact Perri.

1 comment:

  1. I'm the tiny bunny in pink in the lower corner of the second pic.

    They had 4 tinys in Beatles uniforms on the stage who were assailed by blue meanies, in this case representative of Parkinsons oppression. But the blue meanies could not prevail and in the end were compelled to dance by the power of the Tiny Beatles' music.

    The tinys all danced about and had a rockin; good time, the rallying cry of the day being "Make waffles, not war."
