
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Halloween Town

The Elizabeth Town sim, which changes every holiday, has brought back "Halloween Town," which offers chills and thrills, in the form of spooky shops, and scary displays.The town is set onto a hill with visitors arriving on top and the road winding down, with a haunted house at the bottom.

One thing new is the giant demon hand that will give anyone who hops aboard an overhead tour of the city, though exactly where it will drop you, I haven't seen.

There's also a pumpkin carving contest, with a list of rules and a sample pumpkin that can be picked up. There are 7000 Lindens in prizes to be given out, with 1600 going to the best overall, and 1000 each to the "Most Creative," "Most Scary," and "Most Artistic," with 550L and 250L to 2nd and 3rd.

Tanja Resident (Tina) is the one to send the pumpkins to, and those interested have until October 30 to send one. "Several of the creators who sell at Halloween Town will be judging. The votes will be collected and tallied by Laura Liberty. The winner's names will be posted at Halloween Town on October 31st.
You will be contacted by Laura Liberty if you are a winner."

Elizabeth Town (120, 103, 99)

Bixyl Shuftan

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