
Friday, April 22, 2016

Reaction to Nydia's Tragedy

After the announcement of the passing of Nydia Tungsten's mother on Tuesday Night, friends from around Second Life have given her messages of condolences on her Facebook account. Among her Angels group in Second Life was this announcement by Ranchan Weidman:

I have been asked to pass this along to all Angels. Nydia's mother has passed on.  She expresses her love of all the angels, and cherishes every one she has met.  

In this time of full mourning, please remember to keep Nydia and her real life family in your thoughts and prayers.

We are here for you Nydia. 

Next to Nydia's home, Mouse Hold Manor Sora Anubis Kraditzio Shizuka (jamestkirk2323) and Umbra75 Bigbear erected a cross for the mother of their friend and her real-life family. Several people left candles and flowers at the base. The memorial is at Sunlight Bay (230/51/24).

Nydia's problems have only grown recently when her mother's funeral insurance suddenly told she and her family they would not be paying for the actual burial, threatening an expense they can barely afford. With this latest development, talk about how to send flowers has turned into how they can help their valued friend and neighbor.

Bixyl Shuftan


  1. They need a group like 10 on your side to shame the agency to do whats right.

  2. They need money donations more then folowers
