
Friday, March 1, 2019

Two Mardi Gras Parades Saturday, New Toulouse and Caledon

Mardi Gras is coming. For some, it's the last day before Lent and the last day they can eat certain foods, so they revel things up with a festival. The day is sometimes called Carnival or Fat Tuesday. For the rest of us, it's a chance to party, even if we don't give up anything for Lent.

In the United States, New Orleans is particularly noted for it's parades and celebrations on Mardi Gras. So it's no surprise that the best known Fat Tuesday events are in the New Orleans-themed sim of New Toulhouse. This Saturday, they'll start their "Samedi Gras" party at 11AM SL time, with their parade scheduled to start at 12 Noon.

There will be other celebrations. As Caledon is celebrating it's thirteenth anniversary this week, they're making a Mardi Gras celebration as part of the events.  The fun there starts at 1PM with a "Skull and Bones Revelry." Then comes a parade going through fourteen sims.

 Come all to the Caledon Mardi Gras!!!

We'll start at 5pm slt on March 2nd, setting off from near the western coastline of Kittywickshire, east through northern Caledon until we reach the eastern side of Pensans, then south to the Guv'nah's Mansion in Victoria City, then west to Caledon Prime and north into Port Caledon.

Want to show off your best carnivale gear? Go for it!
Have themed pressies to give out along the route? Yay!
Can't wait to put together a float for you and your friends to ride? Awesome!
(But for floats, keep in mind that some of the sims are homesteads and there will be tunnels to go through along the route--try to keep the LI under 31 unless the floats are worn.)
Have none of the above but want to march and have a great time? Come on down!

Giant Des and Kami balloons will be available the day of the parade!

Those with questions can contact Iason Hassanov or Lady Aev (Aevalle Galicia)

The starting point of the parade is at

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