
Thursday, April 8, 2021

RFL Announcement: "Team-Munity Challenge" And The "Love You Relay" Team


It's a Team-munity challenge to raise 10K USD in 10 Days to reach 10K usd in 10 days, with everyone doing their part to add to the fundraising.    The start date is April 10th at 12:01 AM SLT, and the challenge runs through midnight SLT on April 20th,  2021.  What can you do to help advance our Season Total?  What will your 10 day goal be?


1. Participate by planning and executing an event.
2. Promote by listing your event on the official ACS Event Calendar, textures are optional but enhance your promotion.  Strongly suggested is placing the event on the SL Events calendar, if you have hosting rights at your venue.
3. FUNdraise!  Show an increase in your teams fundaraising total between the start date and close of the challenge. Fundraising may come from inworld donations, dashboard donations via the website, Facebook Fundraiser donations, or the Mobile App!  So many ways to fund the mission!

Those teams advancing their total fundraising by 50 USD or more during this challenge will have 1000 Linden added to their team total.  Those teams adding 500 USD to their total will receive an additional 5000 Linden bonus!
 Here's to the AMAZING things we are going to do together!
 If you have questions please contact Gem Sunkiller, or Selene Jashan!

Gem Sunkiller

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April 10th the Love You Relay team is coming. It's an event hopping group of fellow Relayers. You can participate in two ways. You can join our group of hoppers. We'll give you our schedule and the LM's attached or you can hold an event on that day or night and put it in the calendar.  We have more than one group going out that day so we will be sure to hit any and all of them. So put your event in now... we're heading up our schedule or make that day to show love to your fellow teams. ALL ABOARD!!

Prettykitty Gumbo

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