
Sunday, February 6, 2022

The BBB Thanks The Newser


The Bellissarian Bureau of Bureaucracy, of which Gemma Cleanslate recently reported on it's second anniversary, has it's own paper, the "BBB Gazette." As it turns out, they were so pleased with Gemma's coverage, writer Boo Rojyo complemented her work in their publication.

Gemma Cleanslate over at the SL Newser has been reporting comprehensively on BBB2B. You can read her enthusiastic thoughts on our birthday party here and here. Thanks, Gemma. I was only teasing when I said you were making me, as editor of the Gazette, redundant but you certainly made this article a lot shorter than it would otherwise have been!

Always happy to hear when the hard work of our journalists is acknowledged.

1 comment:

  1. I am the editor of the BBB Gazette and the article was by me. Boo is our founder and CEO. We all loved Gemma's work and appreciated the SL Newser's coverage of BBB2B. Thanks!
