
Wednesday, July 20, 2022

"The Man" Statue Turns 20


Yesterday, July 19, 2022 was the anniversary of one of the oldest objects in Second Life and possibly the oldest one more detailed than a single prim: "The Man." 

This statue, created by Oldjohn Linden, was created on July 19 2002, twenty years ago.  This would be almost a year before Second Life was officially open.


People came by the Ivory Tower of Primitives where the statue is located where they danced away to music provided by GoSpeed Racer. This included several Lindens and Moles such as Oatmeal Linden. At one point, someone in a HUGE mega-macro showed up. made 

Happy anniversary to "The Man"
Addition: Check out more pictures of the event (here). 

Bixyl Shuftan


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