
Wednesday, October 12, 2022

EOTB: Second Life Destinations - Dwarka

Recently, Second Life Destinations featured an underwater area: Dwarka.  

Dwarka is an elaborate universe that allows a fully immersive role-play experience underwater. Races that live on land and in the water coexist here, form alliances, do battle, and imagine intricate scenarios within the existing but constantly changing lore of Dwarka. Oh and yes: folks at Dwarka do go shopping, hang out in taverns and educate themselves at the Merbrary, where books are available under as well as above water.
The place is run by Kei Kawanish, "Dwarka was created with about 75-80% of it underwater, and the rest on land. There are 3 underwater districts - The elven city, the Mer city and royal court, and the depths." The article would say there's places for both land dwelling races such as humans and elves, and oceangoing ones such as merfolk and aquatic kobolds. There's also a "D&D style" roleplaying HUD, " "Whether you're already an aquatic fanatic and want to take your RP skills to a new level or you're an already experienced RPing nerd who is looking for something new. The destination will bring something for everyone." There's a number of themed shops there, as well as an aquatic spa, "Rumor has it that each approved new member gets a spa ticket on the house!"

For more information, read the full article here, or check the Destinations Guide.
Faerie Tale (158/135/1003)

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