
Wednesday, February 1, 2023

BioBreeds Breedable Pets Shut Down

Second Life has one less breedable pets company. Last weekend, the BioBreeds company apparently closed down due to a dispute between the co-owners.

I found a notecard in the BioBreeds Advertising group, and the Relay for Life Volunteers group, the latter where I found it first. It was signed "Oz," presumably meaning co-owner Ozzie Drucker, the Group Management and Marketing leader.

I have always been as transparent with you all as possible from the start, so let me explain what has happened.

Our provider last fall informed us that we needed to “migrate” our server to the cloud. And needed to do so by the end of the year. At that time they would no longer provide service if we failed to do so.  Our coder, Bytecode Republic, who also is an owner, refused to do so.  He also refused to move us to another provider. Since then I have attempted a variety of ways to convince him that it was necessary so that we could continue. Then, after I took some additional steps to force a migration, and without entangling you in technical jargon, he shut us down on Friday. And in a way that it cannot be undone. Up until late yesterday I was hopeful that somehow this could be resolved.

But he refuses to re-establish us

The notecard was in the Relay group on Sunday January 29, but not in the BioBreeds Advertising group, the largest BioBreeds group I could find, until Tuesday January 31. I couldn't find an existing larger Biobreeds group. Trying to head to the Biobreeds sim, it was closed. Their Marketplace page was also closed. There was nothing about what happened on the blog ( Their Facebook and Twitter hadn't been updated in a while.
I was able to send an alt to a sim known as "The Farm," which came up when I did a search on Biobreeds-related places. I only saw one to two to three people around and most of the stalls were closed. Talking to someone, she told me the creators were making an effort to preserve the pets still out there. She copy-pasted from a group I wasn't able to find on Search.

[15:30] Ozzie Drucker: Group Notice Sent by: Ozzie Drucker
Free Food Plus

 Around midnight tonight We will  be rezzing vendors for you to be able to use to get free food and free medkits.

Hope this helps some.

I would go by later, and there were some food and medkit packages available for free at the main building. They were at The Farm (172/207/21).
The notice I saw in the Relay for Life Volunteers group was a bit panicky, saying the animals were in danger of dying. Checking with a friend, her Biobreeds permapet was just fine and her regular one was sleeping but otherwise okay. She told me it was a shame BioBreeds was closing as it was her impression they were one of the few companies that tried to keep prices reasonable. 
Biobreeds was created on February 5, 2010, the company closing just days before it's thirteenth anniversary. 

This isn't the first time a breedable pets company has closed. In May 2017, Ozimals closed down due to a "cease and desist" order from a lawyer, the result between a dispute between the script builder and the company

There will likely be more details as information comes in.
 Bixyl Shuftan

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