
Sunday, June 11, 2023

The Relay Weekend: Part One


Saturday June 10 was the first half of the Relay Weekend. It started at 10AM with the Committee giving a pep talk to the Relayers, some at the stage, most listening from their team camps.
At 11 AM was the Survivor and Caregivers lap, or honor lap. And those who know what cancer is like because they either experienced it themselves or cared for someone who has took a walk around the track.

12:30 PM was the Parade of Teams, including that of the neighborhood the Newser office makes its home in, the Suunbeamers. 

The track had many hundreds of avatars, from large ...

to small, all united in a cause, to help stop cancer.

The campsites had some impressive sights, such as the double helix tower from the Second Life Cheerleading Squad.

And there was the designer sim by artist Fiona Fei, with the theme being the song "Clouds."

9PM was the Luminaria Hour, when the Relayers paused to reflect on those they lost to cancer. At the ACS sim, paper lanterns went up into the air.

Most would reflect from their camps or where they were on the track when the hour started.

It was quite a day in the first half of what's been described as the most intense 24 hour period in the virtual world every year. 

Go Relay!

Bixyl Shuftan

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