
Tuesday, June 6, 2023

WW2 Memorial

Today is the 79th anniversary of the D-Day Invasion of World War Two, also known as Operation Overlord, on June 6, 1944. Well over a hundred and fifty thousand American, British, and Canadian soldiers stormed five beaches on the coast of Normandy France, Omaha Beach being the most heavily defended, following the dropping of paratroopers over the interior. The Allies would suffer over 10,000 casualties including over 4,000 dead. Germany would loose up to 9000 dead, captured, or missing. The successful invasion and the liberation of France over the summer would help ensure the defeat of Nazi Germany less than a year later.

At the World War 2 sim, there is a memorial, the World War 2 Campus - Memorial Garden. While the sim itself serves a variety of roles, including a shop area with "a variety of World War II-themed merchandise," the purpose of the memorial garden is a serious one, "a serene and contemplative Memorial Garden, where you can reflect and pay your respects to the brave individuals who sacrificed their lives during World War II. It is a place of solemnity and remembrance, and we kindly ask that you maintain an atmosphere of reverence while visiting this area."

World War 2 (134/200/23)

Bixyl Shuftan

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