Saturday, July 6, 2024

SL Video: "Drivers of SL Grid Drive 2024-06-08b - Bonus Leg 'Relay For Life' (2024)"


From Zada Bury on June 29, "Bonus Leg after the 'regular' Grid Drive - a round on the 'RFL - Relay For Life'. ,,, This kind of "Bonus Leg" was happening after the regular drive. It was gone over the "RFL - Relay For Life" Event with a large number of Sims. I wasn't have that much time left, so I was done a fast round. Even while these fast (running) run, I seen a lot awesome builds around, which would have been worth a closer visit, but ... "that if life", you can say, even in SL I get in trouble with having 'too less time' for all."

At 2:09, Zada runs into a certain fox.

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