
Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Tilia Changes Terms of Service

For those who have yet to buy or sell Linden dollars in the past few days, you may want to be prepared to read some fine print. There have been a few changes in the Terms of Service of Tilia, the platform which handles purchases and sales of Linden Dollars for real-world currency. 
 In a thread in the SL forums, Tjay Wicken explained the differences, "Brought to you with the help of Claude AI."
  • Effective Date:
    • Old version: November 20, 2023
    • New version: July 29, 2024
  • Section 9.2 Termination for Cause:
    • Old version: Included a paragraph about providing notice and reasons for refusal of transactions, and procedures for correcting errors.
    • New version: This paragraph has been removed entirely.
  • Section 9.3 Termination for Convenience:
    • Old version: Included a paragraph about lifting suspensions and completing transactions once reasons for refusal no longer exist.
    • New version: This paragraph has been removed entirely.
  • Section 9.5 Termination - General:
    • Old version: The paragraph about re-completing identity verification procedures was in the middle of the section.
    • New version: This paragraph is now at the end of the section.
  • Section 12.4 Limited Liability:
    • Old version: Mentioned "service Publishers" in the list of parties not liable for certain types of losses.
    • New version: The term has been corrected to "service providers".
  • Section 13.1 Notifications of Dispute:
    • Old version: The mailing address for dispute notices was "Tilia Inc., 548 Market St. PMB 59201, San Francisco, California 94104-5401 US".
    • New version: The company name has changed from "Tilia Inc." to "Tilia LLC" in the mailing address.
  • Throughout the document:
    • Old version: Referred to the company as "Tilia Inc." in several places.
    • New version: All instances of "Tilia Inc." have been changed to "Tilia LLC".

Edit: To sum it up (my interpretation):

1) Before they had to give you notice and reason for refusing a transaction and tell you how to fix it. Now they no longer need to.

2) Prior to the change, they had to lift your account suspension and attempt to complete the transaction once reasons for refusal had been remediated by you, but as they no longer need to notify you, they no longer have to attempt completing the transaction again either.

3) Moved a paragraph around, corrected typos as well as changing to Tilia LLC from Tilia Inc.

 Tilia was created by Linden Lab several years ago, but sold in April this year.

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