
Friday, September 20, 2024

Three Halloween Shopping Places

While it may still be September, already Second Life is getting ready to the spooky season that is Halloween. Gemma Cleanstate decided to take a look at three. She went to Dench Designs, Khargo, and :"Fiendish Rides and Haunt." So what did she think?
Read Gemma's article in Design.
*Update: two more pictures in the article since it was first posted*

New Firestorm Viewer Update, Promises To Fix Some PBR Issues

After Firestorm released their PBR viewer in June, while there was praise for it as it allowed people to see what could be done with this new feature in Second Life, there were also numerous complaints about lag and crashes. In August, Firestorm announced they were making a change to their three-viewer policy and keep the last viewer before PBR, 6.1.17, around permanently, recommending those who were having serious issues temporarily downgrade, or adjust their viewer Preferences, while they were working on an update. A few days ago on Tuesday September 17, they announced that their new viewer update, one that would deal with some of the issues caused by the PBR technology, was ready. 

...a significant minority of our users have been struggling with the higher performance demands of the last release (7.1.9). We have been in discussion with Linden Lab since that release, and, as you can read in the Second Life Blog post linked at the top of this section, there is a significant focus on making the viewer more capable and performant on lower spec and older machines. These updates are being delivered in phases, and this release delivers the first batch (aligning us to the Second Life release known as Atlasaurus). It does not mark the end of those improvements, Linden Lab has laid a roadmap of at least two further releases (DeltaFPS and ExtraFPS) that specifically focus on performance.

This release fixes a swathe of issues, those of you plagued by crashes after TP were almost certainly victims of the “mirror at home” bug. This bug was fixed soon after the release and has been tested throughout our beta phase for this update. the crash rate for this viewer is far far lower than for the 7.1.9 update. Performance too, the performance updates, should see most of you enjoying better, more consistent frame rates and where you had high rates already, simple seeing more consistency as you move around the world.

Also, the viewer was the first to be able to use Second Life's new Voice technology, WebRTC, Linden Lab switching away from Vivox.

This viewer release ushers in a new-era of voice services in Second Life. Linden Lab has been working on a replacement for the ageing Vivox “SLVoice” solution for some time now. The new voice system is based upon open standards, notably WebRTC. The new voice services significantly improve voice quality over the legacy voice system, offering up to 48Khz CD-quality audio. They are directly embedded inside the viewer, removing the dependency on an external support process (slvoice.exe) and hopefully increasing voice stability. Linden Lab has also used the migration to WebRTC to enhance security and reduce “data leakage.” WebRTC point-to-point calls will all route through a Second-Life-managed proxy service, ensuring that your IP address and identity are always protected.

For those used to using the SL-provided voice morphing, this will no longer be available. The team at Linden Lab has put together a FAQ page to help you resolve any questions. Importantly, WebRTC is not compatible with SLVoice. Moreover, the back-end services that support voice cannot co-exist so once Linden Lab roll out the new WebRTC services across the grid, the older voice services will cease to work.

To make it very clear, when Linden Lab rolls out the WebRTC backend across the grid, SLVoice will cease to work FOR ALL VIEWERS. This is not something Firestorm or any TPV can alter/fix/workaround.

For the blogpost in full, Click Here

This Weekend at The Science Circle


Friday September 20

    At 11 AM PST   

    Science Circle Forum
    Organized by Chantal Jager
    Science Circle Forum

Saturday September 21

    At 10 AM PST   

    Triangles: A Tale of Obsession
    By Dr. Mary Anne Clark
    At the Auditorium
    NOTE: Non-members required to register once
    IM Jes Cobalt or Nymf Hathaway

╚══════════════════════════════ The Science Circle (72,129,30) ═╝

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Announcement: Luna's Empire Nightmare Night, Opening October 1

                                                           🍬 Luna's Empire 🍬
                                                               Nightmare Night
                                                                October 2024
                                                                   🎃  🎃  🎃

🎃👻 Nightmare Night 2024: Ghosts, Gadgets, and Great Times! 👻🎃

Get ready for a spine-tingling adventure this October! Nightmare Night is back and bigger than ever, running from October 1st to October 31st. Dive into our immersive, free-to-play Halloween extravaganza and experience thrills like never before.

What to Expect:

🕵️‍♂️ Capture Ghosts: Explore our two sprawling sims and track down elusive spirits!

🧙‍♀️ Character Classes & Abilities: Choose your role, harness unique powers, and work with others to conquer the spooky challenges that await.

👻 Special Ghosts & Raid Bosses: Face off against terrifying foes and tackle complex puzzles for awesome rewards!

🎁 Earn & Spend Points: Accumulate points to grab amazing prizes from our in-game vendors. We’ve got a variety of rewards, from Halloween-themed goodies to exclusive adult prizes in a separate area!

Who’s Welcome?

Hosted by Luna’s Empire, we’ve expanded beyond our pony roots to include humans and furries! Join our vibrant community of over 800 players from last year and make this event unforgettable.

Calling All Vendors!

We're also looking for vendors to add more exciting content and prizes to our event. If you're interested in showcasing your products, we'd love to collaborate with you.

Event Details:

🗓️ Dates: October 1st - October 31st
📍 Location:
🎟️ Cost: 100% Free-to-Play

Join us for a month of haunted fun, thrilling challenges, and a fantastic community experience. For more information or to get involved as a vendor, contact us
EmpressLuna Starchild - Event Owner
Azimuth Somme - Event Coordinator & Developer
Skoops Barrymore - Event Head Admin.

Don’t miss out on the most thrilling Halloween event of the year – see you at Nightmare Night! 🎃👻

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Bright Diamonds Oasis

So you've scored a date and are looking for a spot to go to. Or maybe some time with your partnered love one. Nothing too strenuous, just a place to cuddle and relax. The Newser came across one that was visually pretty, and had some cuddle spots and places to explore: Bright Diamonds Oasis. Bixyl Shuftan went there and took some pictures.

Read and see more in Places.

Cartoon of The Day: Not My Coffee

 Taken at the Club Scorn beach venue. This guy came in with a huge cup, carrying it around while dancing. Once in a while, he would tilt back his head as if howling. It didn't take me long to imagine this dialogue.

By Bixyl Shuftan

The Puddle Jumper Mall

 In the Sunweaver Community lands, there's a store one can go to for a variety of goods: the Puddle Jumper Mall. Located next to Farshore Field in Sunlight Bay, it is owned and operated by Cynthia Farshore,
The store offers a number of goods, from clothes, including period outfits, jewelry, swords and staves, sci-fi style armor, furniture of both fantasy and sci-fi settings, airport structures, typing animations, . There's also a section with a number of freebie items from the Arcadia Asylum and Yadni's Junkyard. Stop by the largest store of the thriving Sunweaver community. 

Office Chair Issues

 Well, a recent small meeting at the Newser office in HV Community had a slight snag. I'd gotten some new chairs to go with the new building. While they seemed to work well when I got them, on the day of the meeting there was a snag. We couldn't sit in them right. It seemed out of the early days of SL in which you needed a poseball to sit properly.

Thankfully Gemma had a solution. She rezzed a dinner table with chairs. While a bit unconventional for an office, it was certainly welcome especially with lunch available.

Hopefully we'll have the chair situation taken care of soon.

Bixyl Shuftan

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, Furry Fashion, and Club Scorn

Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, Montecito Bay, Furry Fashion, and Scorn clubs.

Club Cutlass: Lemon/Line, TV & Movies, Disco

Happy Vixen: DJ Malit, DJ Arooo, DJ Charlee, DJ Minty, TBA, DJ Scratch, DJ Squeaks, DJ Khyra

Club Zero Gravity: Fall Colors

Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: Ferals

Xanadu: DJ Jesse 

Club Squeaks: DJ Squeaks
Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Club Scorn: DJ Charlee, DJ Juana, Morning Show, Breakfast Show, DJ Aldi, DJ Poison, DJ Charlee, DJ Malit, DJ Gwen
Furry Fashion:  Felines, Hooves VS Tails, Fursonas, Black and Orange, Wings
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'

Monday, September 16, 2024

Reader Submitted Pictures: Firestorm Anniversary Party

A little more than a week ago, Team Firestorm celebrated their fourteenth anniversary party. While the Newser wasn't able to make it, thankfully someone who was there, Panterapolnocy, sent the Newser some pictures. And so here they are, showing some of the fun those who were there had.
See the pictures in Events

EOTB: "The Spookiest Time of Year Is Almost Here"

 Halloween season will soon be upon Second Life, and Linden Lab is reminding people to get ready.

Last Friday, September 13, Linden Lab had a Halloween-themed announcement. They would mention the upcoming October Shop and Hop and the annual Trick of Treat game in Bellisseria, as well as an upcoming Swaginator event. They would also say they're planning to release some Halloween-themed last names.

Get Ready for Second Life’s Halloween in 2024!

  • Event Dates: October 1st - November 3rd
  • Shop & Hop: October 4th - November 3rd
  • Annual Trick or Treat Event in Bellisseria: Starts October 1st
  • Swaginator Hunt: Starts October 8th

How to Join the Fun

  • Mark Your Calendar: October 1st - November 3rd.
  • Explore the Shop & Hop: Visit multiple shop and hop regions to discover deals and gifts.
  • Change Your Last Name: Embrace the spooky season with a new Halloween-themed last name.
  • And many more things to do in Second Life during the Halloween period! 
The last line refers to countless Halloween events and themed places across the Second Life, which in the past have included Relay for Life and Team Diabetes fundraisers, as well as games ranging from the simple to detailed HUD-based adventures taking part on huge grounds taking up close to a sim in size. 

For more information click on the Linden blog post here

Bixyl Shuftan

The Renegades Tennessee 9/11 Memorial

 Last Wednesday, the Newser would report on a few memorials to 9/11. Soon after, we were contacted by someone who appreciated us writing about them. But they mentioned one we had missed, the
Renegades Tennessee 9/11 Memorial.

Inside were pictures of the fallen, as well as exhibits such as a model of the Flight 93 memorial. There was also a timeline of events that day. 

There were also lists of first responders who didn't make it back.

The exhibit is in the Renegades Tennessee sim at (171/203/2483).
Bixyl Shuftan 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Cartoon of The Day: Don't Be Shellfish

 Taken at the Bouncing Bunny Beach Club. This ottergirl had a scallop in her mouth. So what could be going through her mind? I could think of one thing.

By Bixyl Shuftan


Saturday, September 14, 2024

SL Video: "Misfit Dance & Performance Art in Second Life - 'Catch Fire' "


From Misfit Dance SL in January 2020, "'Catch Fire' An empowerment piece specifically inspired by & for the upcoming 'One Billion Rising in Second Life 2020' event."

Friday, September 13, 2024

Announcement: Casting Call for "The Enchanted Theatre" Musical

Organized by the Bellisserie Citizens Group

Casting Dates:
September 19th, 20th, and 22nd
8 AM - Noon SLT

We’re looking for performers to bring The Enchanted Theatre to life! No experience required, but it’s a plus. Please come prepared to portray a character from the poster.

For details, contact:
Rebellah Antionette D'Arcy (rebellahantoinette) or Yves Welles

This Weekend at The Science Circle

Friday September 13

    At 11 AM PST   

    Science Circle Forum
    Organized by Chantal Jager
    At the Auditorium

Saturday September 14

    At 10 AM PST   

    International Observe the Moon Night
    Team Effort
    At the Auditorium
    NOTE: Non-members required to register once
    IM Jes Cobalt or Nymf Hathaway

╚══════════════════════════════ The Science Circle (72,129,30) ═╝

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Ad: Charlee's Gachas

Looking for a place to get some gachas? Well, for some at bargain prices, check out Charlee's Gachas. You'll find that the variety is large, and the prices are small. From companion pets like mice and pandas and bats, to jewelry, to furniture, you'll find plenty of products at bargain prices.  

To start browsing the Marketplace store, Click Here.

Veterans Isle Fundriaser Nets over 68,000 Linden Dollars

 On Sunday September 8, Veterans Isle would hold the first of it's fundraiser concerts for September. The event, to raise money for Homes For Our Troops, would start at 4PM and go on to around 8 in the evening. The concert took place at the U.S. Veterans Military center special events area.
 We are kicking off our month's long celebration of our 10 year anniversary of supporting Homes for our Troops in Second life tonight.  And once again we have a great lineup for your listening and dancing pleasure.  Come on out and help us celebrate this great occasion ...and help those who have sacrificed so much for our freedom!
Things started off at 4PM with DJ Zack. At 5PM, singer Camme Carver took to the stage. At 6PM, it was Agatha Nowles' turn. Last but not least was Holly Giles at 7PM. As the performers played to the crowd, they donated money to two house-shaped kiosks on either side of the stage.
Frets Nirvana, who helped organize the event, would remind the audience what the money was for, "Since inception as of 7/1/24 HFOT has built 393 homes nd donated them and currently have approx. 80 projects in the pipeline with a target of getting to 400 homes donated this year." He would also remind people of a raffle being held,: Folks ...we are also having a raffle for a fully furnished home from Chalupa Digs Designs .....250 ticket may get you a completely furnished 10k home ...raffle board is over to the left." There were also challenges for people to donate more, "12540 now ...when we hit 15k ...I will put in another 2500."

At the end of the event, there was a total of 68,257 Linden dollars raised. 

There will be three more fundraiser concerts in Veterans Isle this month, all on Sundays, September 15, 22, and 29 (schedule).

To learn more about Homes for Our Troops check
Bixyl Shuftan

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

September 11 Memorials

 It was twenty-three years ago that the September 11 terrorist attacks took place. Nineteen hijackers from the Islamofacist group Al Qaeda, led by Osama Bin-Laden, would take over four airliners, and use them for suicide attacks, crashing them into both towers of New York City's World Trade Center, and the Pentagon in Arlington Virginia. One airliner, thought to be headed to Washington DC's Capitol, crashed to the ground near Shanksville Pennsylvania after the passengers heard what was going on through cell phones and began overpowering the hijackers. Almost 3000 were murdered, making this the deadliest terrorist attack in American history, and in the years afterward many more would pass away due to illnesses related to the dust from the collapse of the Twin Towers and the cleanup afterward. It would also launch the "War on Terror," as well as bring about changes in the lives of Americans that continue to this day. 

Over time, there have been a number of memorials to the fallen in Second Life. One of the largest was the memorial set up in 2009 by Alliez Mysterio. A decade ago, Cindy Bolero would set up a Stairclimb Tribute to the firefighters who braved the doomed World Trade Center before it's collapse. At Stag Island was a detailed memorial done by Fazio Magic. After his passing, it would be at Yellow River for a few years.

Sadly, those memorials are now gone, with only pictures, films, and memorials remaining. But there are still some inworld. For several years, there's been one high above Gold Haven. Made by Bryston Vanvleck, it's official name is "A Tribute to The Victims & Heroes Who Lost Their Lives on September 11, 2001," It is located at .


Most of the 9/11 memorials are focused around the World Trade Center. But high above Copperhead Road is one to the passengers who foiled the terrorists on the fourth airliner, the virtual Flight 93 Memorial. It was created by Paul Woodrunner, and can be found at .

On the Mainland, there is this unnamed Twin Towers Memorial. It is located at

Also on the Mainland is the Memorial to Victims of Terrorism Throughout The World. While it's about numerous acts of terror, the 9/11 attacks are mentioned here. Made by Prokofy Neva, the memorial is at .
A generation later, much has changed. In real-life news, headlines are about an election of which numbers of voters fear the victory of the candidate they're voting against will result in the end of America as a democratic republic. But maybe, we can take a moment and not only remember the fallen, but how unified as a country we were. It didn't matter if one was a Democrat or Republican, red state or blue state. Our country had been attacked like it hadn't been since Pearl Harbor, and we were united in striking back against those who dared murder our people. 

Twenty-three years later, we still remember.

Bixyl Shuftan

September 11 - "A Fireman's Prayer"


When I am called to duty,
whenever the flames may race,
give me strength to save some
life whatever be their age.
Help me embrace a little child
before it is too late,
or save an old person from
the horror of that fate.
Enable me to be alert,
and hear the weakest shout.
And quickly and efficiently
to put the fire out.
I want to fill my calling
and give the best in me.
To guard my every neighbor,
protect his property.
And if according to my fate
I am to lose my life,
please bless with your protecting hand
my children and my wife.

9/11/01 - We will never forget

Poem by Firefighter A.W. “Smokey” Linn

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, Furry Fashion, and Club Scorn

Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, Montecito Bay, Furry Fashion, and Scorn clubs.
Club Cutlass: So Hot, Nightwear, Monochrome

Happy Vixen: DJ Malit, DJ Arooo, DJ Charlee, DJ Minty, TBA, DJ Scratch, DJ Squeaks, DJ Khyra

Club Zero Gravity: Space

Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: Oceanic

Xanadu: DJ Jesse 

Club Squeaks: DJ Squeaks
Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Club Scorn: DJ Charlee, DJ Juana, Morning Show, Breakfast Show, DJ Aldi, DJ Poison, DJ Charlee, DJ Malit, DJ Gwen
Furry Fashion:  Hybrids, Fantasy, CAYA, Beach, Tails
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'

Monday, September 9, 2024

New Terms For Google Play Could Complicate Development of SL Mobile Viewer


On August 31, Google announced new requirements for it's Google Play store. Specifically, these are API requirements (Application Programing Interface, programing that allows a piece of software to interact with other software). 
New apps and app updates must target Android 14 (API level 34) to be submitted to Google Play (except for Wear OS and Android TV apps, which must target Android 13 or higher).
Existing apps must target Android 13 (API level 33) or higher to remain available to new users on devices running Android OS higher than your app’s target API level. Apps that target Android 12 (API level 31) or lower ( Android 10 or lower for Wear OS and Android 11 or lower for TV OS), will only be available on devices running Android OS that are the same or lower than your apps’ target API level.

So what does this mean? Daniel Voyager felt it meant trouble for Linden Lab's Second Life mobile viewer, at least for the short term, "The lab will now need target new Second Life mobile app updates towards Android 14 (API level 34) to be submitted to Google Play for review etc. The lab will need to keep adjusting to upcoming new Android versions like Android 15 (late 2024) and Android 16 due to launch sometime in 2025. For older Android versions the lab have now officially confirmed they are looking into distributing APKs that will target older Android versions from the download page. There is always risk downloading APKs for any app and it might not feel safe doing this for a lot of mobile users.
Daniel would go on to say that when the Lab releases the mobile viewer to the general public, "it will be interesting to see how these new API changes impact those using older Android versions," and added it would soon give out updates, and instructions, to explain the changes.

Two Weekend Events In Brief


 This weekend saw two notable events. One was the Firestorm Anniversary Party, taking place Saturday Sept 7 fromNoon to 3 PM SL time. The other was a fundraiser at Veterans Isle for Homes For Our Troops, taking place Sunday from 4PM to about 8 PM. 

More on these events later.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Cartoon of The Day: In The Money

 Taken at Scorn during one of it's events. At around 250 to 1, Second Life prices don't seem like so much when compared to real-life ones. But a thousand here, and a thousand there, and pretty soon you're talking some serious cash.
 By Bixyl Shuftans

Friday, September 6, 2024

The Bellisseria Commissary And Moleseum

Recently, Gemma Cleanslate was over at two places in Bellisseria. One was The Bellisseria Commissary, owned by Prokofy Neva. She also dropped by the Bellisserian Mole Day Celebration, and visited one particular place, the Moleseum, showing their accomplishments over the past sixteen years. So what did she think?

Read Gemma's article in Places

This Saturday at The Science Circle

Saturday September 7

    At 10 AM PST   

    VR In Science And Education
    By Dr. William F. Schmachtenberg
    At the Auditorium
    NOTE: Non-members required to register once
    IM Jes Cobalt or Nymf Hathaway

╚══════════════════════════════ The Science Circle (72,129,30) ═╝

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Announcement: Homes For Our Troops 10th Anniversary in Second Life


Frets Nirvana, longtime supporter and contact for Homes For Our Troops in Second Life in conjunction with the US Military Veterans Group, announces the September 2024 10 year anniversary of supporting the Veterans Support Organization Home For Our Troops in Second Life at Veteran’s Isle .

Frets Nirvana states:  “HFOT is a privately funded 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization building specially adapted, mortgage-free homes nationwide for the most severely injured Veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan. Most of these Veterans are multiple amputees, paraplegic, quadriplegic or have suffered severe traumatic brain injury (TBI).  Since its inception in 2004, nearly 90 cents of every dollar spent by Homes for Our Troop has gone to directly support Veterans. DURING THAT TIME HFOT HAS BUILT 393 SPECIALLY ADAPTED HOMES NATIONWIDE FOR EXTREMELY INJURED VETERANS.”

The month of September is special because it marks the 10 year anniversary of supporting HFOT in Second Life.  As a result it will be a month long series of benefit concerts as well as raffles and prizes that benefit this important cause.  One special raffle will be for a completely furnished home from Vila Ballamos and its creator Chillee Hernandoz.  The current schedule is:

Sept 8
DJ Zack 4 PM
Camme Carver 5 PM
Agatha Nowles 6 PM
Holly Giles 7 PM

September 15
DJ Yume Yoshika and her Yummies 4 PM
Frets Nirvana 5 Pm
Grace Loudon 6 PM
AcousticEnergy Nightly 7 PM

September 22
Kyle Forrester DJ - 11 AM
Roxy Chronotis - 12 PM
Max Kleene - 1 PM
Hogan Baily - 2 PM
Charice - 3 PM

September 29
DJ Yume Yoshika and her Yummies 4 PM
Wolfie Starfire - 5 PM
Frets Nirvana 6 PM
Chillee Hernandez - 7 PM
Announcement of Chillee Hernandoz Vila Ballamos house raffle 8 PM

September will be great music and fun for all with the net result to hopefully make this 10 year anniversary a banner month for donations to Homes For Our Troops.  The events will be held at the U.S. Veterans Military center special events area.  To teleport to it, use this link. 

Sponsored by Frets Nirvana and the U.S. Military Veteran’s Group of Second Life.  To learn more about Homes for Our Troops visit
 *  *  *  *  *
Gearing up to celebrate Homes for Our Troops 10th year in SL!

Happy 10th Anniversary in SL HFOTS, and thank you all for your support!

Mr Frets Nirvana has planned a whole "Month of Sundays," to celebrate this decade milestone!

Our live concerts will be Sept 8, Sept 15, Sept 22, Sept 29 with a multitude of wonderful DJs and Musicians to celebrate!

Singer Chillee Hernandez has donated a house to raffle for our month long event.

Check out the house at the  USMV Events park. Raffle opens Sept 1, 2024

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Abnor Mole's Speech for Bellisseria Mole Day

Last Friday, Belliseria started off it's Mole Day Celebration Weekend. It started off with Abnor Mole, one of the more familiar of Linden Lab's Moles, giving a speech.  The Newser wasn't able to make it. But thankfully someone copy-pasted the speech and put it in notecard for the Belliseria group. So what was talked about?

Read more in Events.

EOTB: Linden Lab Reminds Residents To Be Wary of Scammers and Hackers


You may see viewer download links shared in local chat, DM, or even group chat. These links are usually unsafe and link to software that compromises your Second Life account or installs additional hidden software that gives a stranger control of your computer. Be wary of downloadable software links. Strangers may claim that their link is an early fix, a special version of the viewer, or an early release of an anticipated product. Don’t be fooled!

If you see a link advertising a Third-Party Viewer, don’t click it directly. Always check our Third Party Viewer Directory for a list of safe download locations. All approved third-party viewers are included here, and the official Second Life Viewer is available from the Second Life site. To help keep others safe, share this blog post and submit an Abuse Report if you see a suspicious link shared in world. 

 They would also offer five suggestions
Be wary of unsolicited messages or emails. If you receive a message from an unknown sender or even a friend (you never know if their account was compromised), be cautious before clicking any links. It’s always best to err on the side of caution. 

Check the website’s URL. Before logging into the website, ensure you’re on a legitimate site. A phishing website will often have a similar-looking URL, but with slight variations. Check for spelling errors or subtle changes in the website’s address. 

Look for security indicators. Legitimate websites will often have security indicators, such as a padlock icon or “https” in the URL. This indicates that your information is being transmitted securely. If you are unsure if a URL is legitimate, you can always send in a support ticket and ask for clarification. 
Use strong passwords. A strong password is at least 8 characters long and combines uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. You should also use a different password for each online account to reduce the risk of multiple accounts being compromised if one password is stolen. 

Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). This will add an extra layer of security to your account by requiring a second form of identification to access your account to make account changes.

 To see the blog post in full, Click Here
Bixyl Shuftan

Firestorm's Anniversary Party


Firestorm is turning 14 this week! Our actual birthday is on September 3, but we want to celebrate BIG TIME, and we want you to join us. That is why we are moving our party to the weekend… Saturday September 7. Yes, we will have a party. And yes, there will be gifts – two really nice ones. There will also be some amazing entertainment. There is only one more thing we need – you! Please join us.


Noon – 1 PM SLT – Our very own DJ Trick
1 – 2 PM SLT – Bella (Live Singer)
2 – 3 PM SLT – Tally Mercury (Live Singer)
GIFTS from:

Wild Kajaera and Love Superstore.

Event Start: Saturday Sept 7 from Noon SLT until 3 PM SLT for the performances. The Gifts will remain available until the end of September.

The location (SLurls) will be announced starting at 11:00 AM SLT on the day of the party. Pls check back here (link) at that time for the links. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Announcement: PBC Red White And Blue Civic Awareness Party - Wednesday Sept 4


Greetings All,

It's Real Life Election time in the U.S.A!

The Premier Business Center aka PBC Red White and Blue Civic Awareness Voter Registration Music Video Party with VJ Ally Nova is Wednesday, September 4th @6:00 PM slt with random events to continue through out the Month of September Ending Sunday, September 29th @3:00 PM slt!

The attire is casual: Red, White, and/or Blue.

Additional Events will be scheduled and announced as soon and possible.

Everyone is invited to attend any or all of the PBC Red White and Blue Civic Awareness Parties! Our goal is to reach anyone in Second Life who is interested in voting, or qualified to vote in the U.S. A. but for whatever reason, might not be registered to vote in the upcoming election.

We are focusing on Second Life residents who can, and those who are willing to vote as long as they meet the eligibility requirements and guidelines to vote legally.

We will provide information on how to confirm registration status, how to register to vote, how to update voters registrations, voting rights, and so much more for every state throughout the U.S.  

The information provided might not apply to everyone for various reasons however, It is up to the individual to determine if the information is useful and applies to them or not.
Dont miss out on this fun filled, educational, and exciting event!. You can confirm and/or update your registration information, as well as get online registration details for your state, while learning, and having fun at the same time!

We hope that everyone whether SL or RL will take the first step, and that is to confirm their registration status, and if necessary,  register, and VOTE in order to make an RL impact in the election!



Please contact JardenAlexis if you wish to volunteer as entertainers, or greeters at any one of the upcoming PBC Red White and Blue Civic Awareness events!

 Thank you!

 JardenAlexis- PBC Owner

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, Furry Fashion, and Club Scorn

Here's what's going on at the Sunweaver, Montecito Bay, Furry Fashion, and Scorn clubs.

Club Cutlass: So Hot, Nightwear, Monochrome

Happy Vixen: DJ Malit, DJ Arooo, DJ Charlee, DJ Minty, TBA, DJ Scratch, DJ Squeaks, DJ Khyra

Club Zero Gravity: Space

Bouncing Bunny Beach Club: Oceanic

Xanadu: DJ Jesse 

Club Squeaks: DJ Squeaks
Montecito Bay:  CAYA, After Dark

Club Scorn: DJ Charlee, DJ Juana, Morning Show, Breakfast Show, DJ Aldi, DJ Poison, DJ Charlee, DJ Malit, DJ Gwen
Furry Fashion:  Hybrids, Fantasy, CAYA, Beach, Tails
Read the schedules in SL Clubbin'

Angels Beach Land Rentals


At the Angels Beach Land Rental Agency, you can find a great new home in Second Life. With many sims to choose from, in the Sunweaver Estates, Hidden Valley, and Purrfection, you can choose from a variety of environments.

We offer places with friendly and interesting neighbors. Some places have a tropical island look, others more temperate. Some of the sims have access to enough water to boat around in. And there are plans later on for an open water sim for even more water activities. The sims are home to a number of quality clubs, such as Cutlass, Zero Gravity, Xanadu, the BBBC, and the Happy Vixen Beach Club. In one sim alone there are two quality clubs that work together so there is no lag from them. There are also some small shopping areas available.

The sims range from Mature to Adult, but the purpose of the adult rating is for a relaxed atmosphere in which couples can relax. The places do not allow for harassment, and while there are vendors that cater to mature tastes they are discreet about it. Spaces available range from small plots to a full homestead that will rent out for only $30,000L's per month. Most of the sims break the parcels down into 512 Sqm parcels and and most have a sliding rent scale, so the more you rent the cheaper it gets. Our prices are VERY competitive here in Second Life.
And if you bring a friend to an Angels Beach area, you get more than just a good neighbor. Anyone that refers a renter to us and they rent land, they will receive 10% of the first months rent. And if someone you know needs help renting out land on his/her sim, bring them to us. Renters who bring in a sim owner needing administration, we will give 10% of our first check.

To learn more, please contact Nydia Tungsten, Brandi Streusel, Jasmine Dawn (Jasmine Knickers), or Matoazma Kazyanenko.

"We pride ourselves on on not just renting land but renting our customers the land you want. We listen to what you tell us on what you are looking for." 

Press Release: Mieville Victorian Faire


Contact Persons: Una Kealoha, Meadow Copperfield

Event Title: Mieville Victorian Faire

Event Description: Victorian and autumn themed market, and Sherlock Holmes Quest

Event Type: Themed market and in-sim quest

Event Start Date: Sept. 7, 2024

Event Start Time SLT: 12:00 a.m.

Event End Date: Sept. 22, 2024

Event Location SLURL:

Event Website:

Monday, September 2, 2024

Team Firestorm Warns About Scammers

 On the Firestorm Viewer today, there was a popup message, warning about scam activity. 

Please be aware that there are currently no Firestorm versions 8, 9, or 10. The latest official release is Firestorm 7.1.9 (74745). For your safety, always download Firestorm from the official source: main domain. Make sure to type this address directly into your web browser or click the version number in the top-left corner of the Firestorm splash screen. Do not trust download links shared by non-team members. You can verify if someone is a Firestorm team member by checking their profile and looking for "Firestorm Support/Developer/[Staff]" in the payment information field - the "description" fields, groups list or "picks" do not count. This message will be displayed for a few days due to a recent increase in scam activity - please do not ask in support groups to remove it, or when exactly it will be gone.

While this message is just a temporary one, it's a reminder that scammers are always trying to ways to get into peoples' computers, either to try to find a way to steal something, such as Linden dollars, or just to wreck systems. So one needs to be careful. So as the warning says, don't download any viewer that says "Firestorm" anyplace else but . And be aware of other kinds of trickery as well, including friends suddenly acting strangely, repeatedly telling you to click on fishy-looking links - they've been hacked and the hacker is trying to hack you as well.

Bixyl Shuftan

Labor Day Weekend


 Today is Labor Day, the unofficial end of summer. And this weekend, people have been having one last bit of summer fun, or at least enjoying the last three day weekend before fall.

The reporters of the Newser have taken some much needed time to relax, both from SL newsing, and RL, but we'll be back soon. 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Cartoon of The Day: Helmet Head

 Taken while shopping. I saw a guy with a book out, with a helmet that covered his whole head, including over his eyes. Now how could this happen?

By Bixyl Shuftan