
Monday, December 11, 2017

Who Will Be The Newser's Man (or Woman) of The Year

In real life news, Time Magazine just announced their Man of the Year, or rather "Persons of the Year," known as "The Silence Breakers." This is an annual tradition of theirs going back since they first gave the title to Charles Lindbergh in 1927, the man, woman, or sometimes group of people or object, whom they feel had the most impact in the news in the past year for good or ill. While often seen as a badge of honor, the title has on occasion gone to some villainous figures such as Joseph Stalin and Ayatollah Khomeini. And once in a while it goes to an object, such as the computer.

But what about Second Life? Who here has had the most significant impact in the news about the virtual world?

There's been no shortage of news in the past year from the release of Sansar, to noted residents to departed the Grid, to charity groups such as the Relay for Life, to the plans by the FCC to repeal Net Neutrality which could be potentially very bad for Second Life, and more.

This will be the fourth time the Newser has given the title. In 2014, the new CEO of Linden Lab Ebbe Linden was the Man of the Year. In 2015, the residents of Steelhead were the Community of the Year. And in 2016, the title was given to the Relay for Life in Second Life.

So who do you the readers think made the most difference in the news in Second Life this year? Please leave us your opinions below.


  1. Fuzzball Ortega brought Steelhead back to us. He will always be my Man of the Year!

  2. Barbie Alchemi - head of Creations for Parkinsons.
