
Wednesday, June 16, 2021

SL18B Opens Tomorrow


Yesterday, Tuesday June 15, the sims of the Second Life Eighteenth Birthday, which had a number of sims separated from the main group, were once again all back together. As of the writing of this article, yours truly is unable to get in. Of the exhibits I did see when I could, there were some good ones. 

While no one's getting in, or is free to go into details about what's on the SLB grounds, there's still some fun chatter in the Second Life Birthday group. And at one point someone had a free gift. Epeya (Epeya2 Resident) was offering unofficial SL18B hats to anyone in the Second Life Birthday group who wanted one. 

It's unknown when the exhibitors will be allowed back onto the sims. One of the moles did confirm that those in the Second Life Birthday group will be allowed early access in the Shop and Hop areas at 9AM. 

The Second Life Eighteenth Birthday grounds are scheduled to open to all on Thursday June 17 at 9AM SL time. At 11AM, Patch Linden gives the opening ceremony at the Main Stage. Linden Lab would announce this in the official blog, plus give a link to the Calendar of SL18B events: (Click Here).
Bixyl Shuftan


  1. Thank you what a wonderful bunch of people!!! ::To all of my fellow Exhibitors, greeters and HUGE Shout out to the Moles who worked Tirelessly non stop to put this all together!.. we LOVE YOU!
