
Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Ukrainian Flags Flying Over Second Life


Since we last wrote about the reaction to the Russian invasion of Ukraine by various residents, much more has happened. Far more than can be described in a brief article. But we can show examples of one simple way of showing support, erecting flags. At Milmerana on the mainland, I saw this replica of the Eiffel Tower sporting Ukrainian flags.

I would continue to see more of the gold and blue as I drove on. 

Checking out the new Linden Homes, one of the new homeowners was showing his support as well.

And the Newser is also showing it's support. Gemma Cleanslate found this banner, which now hangs on the side of the building.

Stay tuned for more news about the reaction of Second Life's residents to the attack on Ukraine.
Bixyl Shuftan

1 comment:

  1. I think, I was seen while the first part the drive, over the Mainland area, also around 3 or 4 flags ... additional to the one in the "Drivers of SL"-Headquarter.
