With the White House coming down against SOPA a few days ago, it was no surprise that
the bill was finally shelved. While some have declared victory, “
Ding-dong, SOPA’s dead,”
others are more hesitant. As it turns out, SOPA’s co-founder Lamar Alexander plans to
bring it back in February, "due to the Republican and Democratic retreats taking place over the next two weeks.” So the bill is still out there.

And it isn’t just SOPA people on the Internet are worried about. Like many other bills in the House, a similar bill was sent to the Senate, the “
Protect IP Act” or PIPA. Considered just as big a threat to the Internet and Second Life, it is due for a vote in the Senate this January. Sponsored by Patrick Leahy, the bill is described as having bipartisan support among 40 Senators. Senator Ron Wyden has spoken out against the bill, as has the “Tea Party Patriots” organization.
For these reasons, a number of Internet companies, groups and individuals are protesting in a number of ways. Many, including
Wikipedia, blacked out their websites in protest today. Others, including
Google ,
blacked out their logo. Facebook remains up, but a number of people are replacing their profile picture and sometimes gallery images with images symbolizing censorship.
For US readers wanting to contact your legislators to oppose SOPA & PIPA,
Click here.
Sources: Electronic Frontier Foundation, Wikipedia, Techdirt, Forbes, Dailytech Bixyl Shuftan
glad you kept us up on this. I can't stand a bunch of people trying to wreck our lives