Friday, January 22, 2021

The Relay Celebrates 4 Million USD Raised


On Sunday January 17, the Relay for Life in Second Life celebrated it's recently having passed the four million US dollar mark of it's total fundraising throughout it's history. The party lasted from 10 AM to 1 PM, and took place on the border of the American Cancer Society sim, and the temporary Christmas Expo sim. The ACS sim had been recently decorated, with pictures marking each year of the Relay's history in Second Life.

There were some things of note about the event. Among them, Patch Linden was there, seated among the members of the Relay Committee. There was also a copy of the first Relay kiosk. Among the announcements were that last year, the Relay for Life in Second Life was the fifth largest chapter in the entire Relay, both real life and online. It was also announced that Nuala Maracas was awarded a place in the RFL in SL's Hall of Honor. She responded by giving a speech (1:45:30 in the video below), "The Relay for Life has given me so much over the years."

Members of the Relay also thanked the Second Life Newser for it's coverage over the years, considering being named its "Volunteers of the Decade" a badge of honor.

There would be a Youtube of the event (Click here if the video above does not play). Wildstar Beaumont would have a number of screenshots on Flickr.

The Relay season in Second Life officially starts with it's kickoff on Saturday February 20. Soon after is the start of the Home and Garden Expo, which lasts from Saturday February 27 to Sunday March 21.

Bixyl Shuftan

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