Sunday, May 19, 2024

EOTB: "Community Roundtable" Tomorrow, Monday May 20

Tomorrow at 9:30 AM SL time is the "Community Roundtable" with Linden Lab.  This is a chance for residents to discuss concerns and other matters with two of the Lindens, preferably those sent over in advance. 

We take all feedback (good and bad) from the community seriously. That’s why we’re excited to begin a new initiative that allows Residents to share their thoughts and interact directly with top executives at Second Life. 

We hope you’ll join us for the first of many Community Roundtables with Second Life Leadership – it will be held on Monday, May 20 from 9:30-11 a.m. SLT. For this inaugural session, you’ll have a chance to meet and interact directly with Linden Lab Executive Chairman Oberwolf Linden and Senior VP of Product & Engineering Grumpity Linden.

The Lab would state "We encourage community members to submit questions in advance ... and we’ll do our best to address as many as we can," asking them to use this google doc (link). 
While no doubt there are a variety of concerns, it's expected many of the questions will be about the changes in the policies about child avatars announced earlier this month.

The suggested SURLs were
For the blog post in full, (click here). 

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